Saturday, February 29, 2020

Wear It Well

     I know a guy that wears a cross tucked away under his shirt and out of sight from everyday view. I asked him why he didn't wear the cross displayed on the outside of his shirt and his answer caused a bit of self-reflection on my part. As I share his mindset with you today, maybe it will cause a little reflection on your part as well.
    When I inquired about the methodology by which my friend chose to wear his cross concealed, I was thinking to myself, "Is he ashamed or embarrassed to wear his cross on display?" I mean if you are going to wear a cross don't you want everyone to see it so that they will know you are a believer? What would the purpose of wearing a cross be if it isn't to display and provide a message to those you pass in life and to those that you live and work with each day? What about those bumper stickers on our car or truck that proudly proclaim our commitment to Christ? Don't we want to tell others that we are Christians? Well of course the answer to these questions is yes. We want others to know, we want to share what we have with others so why wouldn't we wear our cross out in plain sight each day?
     Well, back to my friend's story. "Why don't you wear that cross where everyone can see it?" As I asked this question I figured his response might be a little awkward like I had put him on the spot and now he would have to admit that he wore in under his shirt because he didn't want to offend others or that he wasn't really wanting to bring attention to this aspect of his life. But instead, I received a personal testimony that is applicable to each of us in life. "I wear my cross as a reminder to me of what Jesus did for me, more than any kind of public announcement of who I am in Christ. I live Christ in this world every day. The actions I demonstrate, the choices I make, the way I work, and the way I conduct life are all ways that I wear my cross." That being said we delved into a discussion about what wearing his cross is all about in his life. You see we want others to see Christ in us, we want others to want what we have been given, and yet we have to show them what we have that would be so desirable they would want it and work to obtain it.
     What he told me was that regardless of what your profession is you don't have to go around with a sign hanging off your neck letting people know what you do for a living. When you walk into a classroom it is pretty obvious who the teacher is, and if you go on a construction site it doesn't take a great deal of deduction to pick out who the crane operator is and who the plumber is. We can be identified by the work we do wherever that may be. "That's the way it should be with my faith", he shared.
     I got what he was saying, but that only led me to deeper inquiry.  Being able to be identified as a teacher, a construction worker, cook, welder, or a nurse is easy in their element, but where is it that I am working as a follower of Christ? "Everywhere you go, whatever you are doing, you are living your life as a servant of Christ. So, you have to wear your cross every single day, every interaction, every situation, and with every person you meet." As with the principle mentioned above, it should be obvious who the Christian is in those situations. You and I are living the life that Christ challenged us to live over 2000 years ago. Giving of ourselves for the sake of others, never placing self before God, and sharing His good news through the life we live and the way we handle life's curve balls and pit falls. Those are all crosses that we wear each and every day of our lives.
      My friend finished up his response to my question about his cross with this disclaimer. "There's absolutely nothing wrong with wearing your cross on display. It's great that we want to put stickers on our automobiles and around our office or home. My question for you though is this, how are you living that cross you're wearing?" Bam, what a question? Thus, the self-reflection began. Am I judging others when that is clearly not my job as a follower of Christ? Am I loving my fellow man in the same way that Christ loves me? Do I see the color of my fellow man's skin instead of a child of God created in the same exact way I was created? If we are wearing a cross had we better make sure we are wearing it well? Should we be sure that what we are displaying to others is the same kind of unwarranted, undeserved, and unconditional type of love that was shown to each of us on Calvary's Cross?
     Long after my friend and I had parted, my reflection hit me hard. Literally or figuratively, if I am going to display that cross which represents what Christ did for me, then I better be prepared to live it each day and to live it well for others to see Christ living in me and through me. So, wear your cross on display or as my friend chose to do by wearing it as a reminder to self of what was done for him, and for you, and for me. Just be sure you wear it well!
“You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven." Matthew 5:14-16

 Coach Carter 

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