Saturday, February 22, 2020

Lessons from an Echo

We would like to say that standing in a valley and yelling out and then having that very yell make its way back to us via an echo is something that mainly children enjoy, but honestly, I imagine the majority of us take advantage of the echo phenomenon when we realize we're in a setting that provides a little echo action. So, the principle behind echos is that when sound waves hit a solid surface they bounce back much like throwing a rubber ball against a wall. Walking underneath a bridge through a tunnel, or standing in a deep canyon with mountains surrounding us creates the perfect environment for experiencing an echo. For most of us, we are probably pretty fortunate that the echo feature doesn't occur naturally with us as we go about our daily journey.
     Think about it, I believe it would be safe to say that if the words we spoke automatically bounced right back to our ears we might think a little bit more about what was getting ready to come out of our mouths in the first place. As it stands I believe most people stand on the premise that we all have our right to freedom of speech, trust me I fully respect the right of each person to speak his or her mind. Bu it's more about the intent of what we say and the content of our heart when we say what we say that I would be more concerned. If it is hurtful, if our words do damage to the self-worth of another, or if our words drag down, emotionally scar, or provoke hatred are those words that we really want to hear bouncing back in our ears? Imagine standing on a mountaintop basking in the beauty of the majestic view of surrounding valleys and peaks. You're standing there and you decide to yell out "Hello" to which you are welcomed back with an echo of Hello, hello, hello. Amused, you go back and forth with your new-found echo friends and then I ask you to yell out the last thing you said about someone that is different from your personal, race, religion, economic tier, or even political viewpoint. What would you hear ringing back in your ears? What would that sound like as it reverberates again and again throughout that beautiful mountaintop range? Can you hear that in your mind as you play this out in your imagination?
     Well guess what? There is an echo phenomenon in your life each and every day you live. Your words are captured by those you encounter as you live, work, play, and influence. As a parent your words are captured by tiny ears and then bounced back through their own words and actions. If we choose to use words filled with negative, hurtful implications then what we should expect to hear back will be laced in negativity and hate. If you talk to people on a daily basis, in other words pretty much everyone, then there is an echo that is going to occur. What message do you want to send out that you wouldn't mind hearing bouncing off the walls and minds of those you influence in the classroom, on the job, in your family, or around the break room?
      In the book of Proverbs, Solomon provides this reminder about our choice of words that we speak, “A gentle answer turns away wrath, but hard words stir up anger.” Proverbs 15:1 If what we are saying stirs up anger, if the words we choose can bring joy or have the power to lessen the value of another person's life, the idea of choosing our words carefully really makes sense. The next time you get ready to make a comment on something that has the potential to do harm or cause discord, give a thought to our echo talk today and imagine those very words being bounced back in your ear and the ears of those you will influence along life's journey. Life is filled with choices, choose your words carefully!  
“Gentle words bring life and health; a deceitful tongue crushes the spirit.” Proverbs 15:4

Coach Carter 

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