Saturday, October 19, 2019

From Educator to Encourager

What is an educator? Is it someone that goes to college to be a teacher, obtains a bachelor’s degree in education with a specialization in some specific subject matter? Or could it be a person that works in a skilled trade and mentors young apprentices with their knowledge and experience? How about a coach that drills skills, practices plays, and presses technique and proper formations each day of practice? And let us not leave out of our question the role of a parent. Parents are the most basic Pre-K teacher in the title "Pre-Kindergarten" teacher. And if we are going all-inclusive in our search for the definition of educator would we not also add those we work with that offer experience and advice on how to do our jobs more effectively and thus more productively for the organizations we work? So, if we are all in agreement that all of these are examples of what an educator is, then hopefully you should be getting the picture that you probably fit into more than one of the aforementioned categories and in many cases, you might fit into just about every single one of the educator categories listed. Today's question isn't who necessarily is an educator? It isn't even the question of what qualifies you to be called an educator? In our time together today my focus is more on what should our primary goal be as the "educator" in the moment be? What is our purpose as an educator to the pupil or pupils we have been given the opportunity to teach? For me I have had an epiphany of sorts about the title of educator which is today's title and topic for our Flat Tire Ministries Thought for the Week. 
     Face it, based on the descriptions listed above, pretty much all of us will assume the title of educator at some level or capacity in your life. I guess the real question is what or maybe how are you going to educate those you work with as their "teacher"? Unfortunately in some instances, we can be an educator via our example of poor choices or bad behaviors. Sadly, we can "teach" our "students" to make excuses or blame others for the circumstances they have been dealt in life, thus creating a next generation of individuals that are not interested in assuming ownership for their lives. And wouldn't it also be true that we could be labelled an educator just through the inaction we display when we witness injustice or inhumane actions taking place around us and abroad? The harsh reality here is that all of these are foundational settings for learning and thus the arena of an educator. Fortunately, we have the ability, no the opportunity, to be that positive influence in a "student's" life. Each day, whether you are standing in front of a classroom full of bright and eager young folks, or if you are working one on one with someone with less experience than yourself, you have the opportunity to be the encourager in the room. And that is where you can make all the difference in the world.
     For me the title of encourager just makes sense for anyone that is educating others. What is the primary role of an educator? In my opinion it would be to encourage those we are teaching to do their best, to persevere through adversity, and to seek out opportunities to utilize their powers for good instead of evil. Deem this positional power if you like, but whether you have a student or a classroom of students you have the opportunity to make a positive impact on their lives. Life is tough, so are some of the math skills we teach students, believe me I feel this one personally, but what is one of the best skills we can teach students as they face adversity whether it is in the Algebra II classroom, in the garage learning how to change your brake pads, or even out on the field when the other team is beating the socks off of our team? Grit, resiliency, and perseverance should be at the top of the goals in our "classroom". We should be encouraging students to not give up, to stay with it, and to seek out the tools or support they need to find an answer to the problem in front of them. Encouraging students to persevere teaches them to endure the bad and to see it through regardless of the discomfort they experience. Check out these words of encouraging advice from the apostle Paul found in Romans 5:3-4 "Not only so, but we also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope." If we do nothing else but to encourage our students to never give up then we have made a positive impact on their lives.
      As educators, we should also be encouraging empathy, compassion, and hard work. Add to that servant leadership which we display through our own actions and walk in life each day. Here is the opportunity to encourage our students to do something for someone else without the thought of getting something in return. "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you" Matthew 7:12. You know they call that the "Golden Rule" for an obvious reason, learning that is more valuable than any amount of gold we could entrust to those we educate along the way. You are the teacher in your classroom, where ever that may be, remember school is always in session and your actions are going to be remembered more than your words ever will.
    Finally, I would encourage you to not become an enabler. An enabler is a teacher, but definitely not the type of educator that you want to become and most certainly not what we hope for our students. Enablers make excuses. Enablers find a finger to point at someone else or give you a sense of it doesn't really matter anyway so just go ahead and quit. DO NOT BECOME THAT EDUCATOR! Encourage your students to persevere. Be an example of choosing right and fighting for truth. If you aren't sure about what truth is look to the author of right and truth. His Word is filled with encouragement and when we place our trust in the Word then we can rest assured that we will be teaching our students up! I have been involved in public education for over 28 years now and just this year I have come to the awareness that my title should not be educator, it should be that of encourager. I believe this should be true for you today as well, you are an educator for someone, be their encourager, give them hope, and expect them to get back up when they get knocked down! You have the opportunity to be an encourager, "Just Do It!"
Coach Carter

1 comment:

  1. Thanks. Very useful as I start this journey hoping to encourage a few.
