Saturday, August 24, 2019

Two Eyes, Two Ears, Two Hands, and Two Feet

     When man was created God put a great deal of thought into the makeup and design of what we would look like and how our bodies would function. It is a fair assessment to say that every aspect of our creation has a purpose and a job to do. The apostle Paul talks about our body composition in I Corinthians 12 as he poses the question of what if the whole body were an eye, or a hand, or even just a head would we get as much accomplished? The answer to that question goes without stating, yet in the bigger scope of life and our purpose in life, I do believe God put a little extra thought into some aspects of our body composition that make all the difference and also provides us with a topic for today's Flat Tire Ministries Thought.
     I believe God gave us a pair of several body parts specifically to aid Him as we serve God here on Earth. God gave us two eyes, two ears, two hands, and two feet. In comparison, God only gave us one mouth. Many of you have probably heard that the reason for God only giving us one mouth is to persuade us to use those other appendages and parts twice as much as we do our mouths, but I have an additional thought to share on that topic.
    God gave us two eyes to see both the joy and the injustice of this world. He gave us two ears to hear the cries of those hurting and the call to action that we must heed. I believe we were given two hands so we can lift up those we are called to assist, and two feet so we can move swiftly to their aid. So, what about the mouth? If two eyes are better than one and two hands or feet allow us to carry more and move about more quickly why would not two mouths be of greater service in our daily lives? Well, the mouth is just a little different. Throughout the Bible we are warned to be careful about our mouth or tongue as it is referred to often. Not only will our mouth get us into trouble, but I would suggest that our mouths can actually hinder our efforts to help others in this world.
      If we only use our one mouth we will find a way to justify the wrong we see, we will talk about the hurting, and say "somebody should do something about that." When we only use our mouths we will sit on our hands and cross our feet waiting for someone else to step up or out of self-pity and indecisiveness we allow apathy to reign in our hearts and minds. If we are going to move to action it most definitely will not be through the words we speak, but instead, as a direct result of the steps we take and the hands we offer in aid to the hurt that our eyes see and pleas that our ears hear. 
"Show me your faith without deeds, and I will show you my faith by my deeds." James 2:8
There's an old saying that two heads are better than one, well I would add to that and end today with a challenge. The two eyes, ears, feet, and hands that God gave you are better than and more capable than the one mouth that He also gave you!
Go out and make a difference today!
Coach Carter

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