Saturday, August 3, 2019

The Last Resort

     "When all else fails ...." we turn to our last resort. Imagine you are on a sinking ship. As you're standing there inching lower and lower into the sea you spot a life jacket floating by right in front of you. Would you look at the life jacket and say, "Well I believe I'm going to swim around for a little bit first and just see if I happen upon a passing ship or maybe I'll even swim up on a inhabited island". It could happen. If you were standing on that same sinking ship and you had a choice between the anchor which was sitting in place going down right along with the ship or that same aforementioned life preserver which would you grasp onto and embrace? Who among us would stand on that sinking vessel and watch as a life boat paddles by and make the choice to stay with the boat just in case it really doesn't sink? Hopefully not you. Unfortunately, many people do that very thing, they choose to go down with the ship. Some people know the ship is going to sink before it leaves the dock and they still hop on board fully knowing that the destination of this trip will be at the bottom of the deep, dark blue. I believe it is safe to assume that pretty much anyone who is reading today's message would surely say that they would not make a life jacket, life boat, or any other flotation device their last resort in a sinking ship situation. Yet, in life we do it all the time.
     We face life's storms out on the ocean and we choose to go it alone. We know there is a life jacket readily available, but we are reluctant to embrace it. Many times we have already bobbed up and down so many times that we feel like we will drown if another affliction hits us, but we still look for alternative ways to tread the water instead of swimming to our life "Savior". Why should our faith be our last resort? Why do we try to go it alone? Why is it that we hold on to the anchor instead of reaching out and trusting in God?
     Time out. Let's clarify one critically important part of this conversation. If we hold on to our life's preserver we do not get a "get out of jail free card" to use in times of tribulation. Our life jacket is there to hold us up, not rise us out of the stormy sea. God's promise holds true, "He will never leave you nor forsake you" Deuteronomy 31:6. God, our life's preserver is there for you my friend. Why wait until you are down to your last resort. Don't just tread the water, keep your life jacket near at hand and live your life knowing that you have a life jacket that will always be there for you!
Swim on!
Coach Carter

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