Sunday, October 7, 2018

Simple to Say, but So Hard to Do

The basis of a relationship with God is faith. We can define faith as a trust that in all things God is in control. That is easy to say when things are going our way, but what happens when the tables are turned and life starts dealing out a hand that isn't appealing or desirable? Such was the life of Job. The Bible tells us that Job was a righteous man, so much that Satan wanted to discredit Job and prove that he was actually just a "fair weather friend". Job's life was turned upside down and in the process, he lost everything, family, possessions, and even his health fell victim to this plight. How can we maintain our faith and our trust when things go bad, when life feels like it just got turned upside down? How can we trust God when it feels like we are all alone, fighting just to get up and go when our get and go feels like it is gone? When you begin to breath out the word WHY? just remember so did Job and the answer to that question is the topic of our time together today.
      Why? Job asked God. What have I done to deserve this? Why would God that I love and trust in allow this devastation to consume my life? Why would a God that is supposed to love me allow me to go through this tragedy? Job's faith was being pushed to the limits, he had trusted God and this was what he got in return for that trust? Surely either he had committed some sin that would justify the tragedies he was living through, or could it be that God really isn't in control after all? Those thoughts could easily be yours or my thoughts as we journey through life. It could be that you have already asked some of those very questions due to your circumstances or life events that have happened that have no real explanation of why they had to happen in your life or the lives of those you love. What did Job do when he got to this place? He prayed. Earnest, sincere, and focused he prayed for answers to his questions, and guess what? God provided him answers to his questions?
     Keep in mind, we are talking about someone with faith, "a trust that in all things God is in control", so without developing that type of trusting faith, it is going to be hard to believe that God does answer prayers. What we have to come to terms with is understanding that the answers we get may not be the answers we hoped we would get, but God does answer our prayers. Paul prayed multiple times for God to take away a throne in his side, but finally came to understand that God's answer to Paul's request was that when Paul feels weak that is exactly the time that he will be his strongest if only he will place his trust in God, "for when I am weak then I am made strong" II Corinthians 12:9-11. In Job's situation God answered Job's "Why?" with a series of questions back to Job. God asked him why he would question the God of all creation? If God had created the heavens, this earth, and all that exists therein, should Job not trust that He is in control of everything even Job's situation? God asked Job about the creation of the oceans, the stars, the mountains, and the rivers. Questions about the lives of animals and their purpose that God created, and then ultimately the life that he had given Job and in whatever state that happened to be at any instance in life. When you put things in that perspective, when we can accept that regardless of what is happening to us or happening in our own little world, then we allow our faith to trust and believe that God is in control of everything. Sounds simple in theory, but doing so is so hard to do. That's why God gave us His Son to provide us with the ultimate example.
      As Jesus hung on the cross, in His pain and suffering asked God "Why?" He asked God to give him relief and to take Him out of the situation He was enduring. Jesus prayed, “Father, if it is Your will, take this cup away from Me; nevertheless not My will, but Yours, be done.” Luke 22:42. That is the type of faith that Jesus provided to us, nevertheless, not what I want, but what you need to be done in me, through me, or to me, Thy will be done. That is where Job landed, that is where Paul lived, and ultimately that is exactly what Jesus accepted in faith. In our life situations, circumstances, life-altering events will occur. It's not that we are asked to be happy that tragedy has befallen us, but instead it is all about trusting that what is happening to us is not even close to what is happening in us if only we will get to the place that we trust and believe that everything, not just some things, but everything happens as a part of God's plan. Romans 8:28 tells us, "And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.". Trust, believe, and never give up on your faith.
Coach Carter

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