Sunday, October 21, 2018

Be the Church You Want Others to See

Sunday morning large numbers of people will make their way to their weekly place of worship and when they arrive, they will enter the front doors, take their seat on a pew, sing praises to our Heavenly Father, and then listen intently to the sermon being preached. Afterwards, the families will make their way off to an afternoon meal and then head off to a restful afternoon. For those that this sounds familiar, this is a normal, weekly occurrence, this is how we do "church" in America. The only problem with this is if church is only found inside the four walls of a building, we will miss the most important part of being God's hands and feet, bringing others to God.
     Attending church is critical to our growth as disciples for Christ, yet what good are we as disciples if we aren't going out and living as the church for others to see? Our lives are the best representation of what it means to be a Christian. You've heard the expression "You just can't talk the talk, you've got to walk the walk”, well in this case that is so relevant and vitally important. You can invite others to church with you on Sunday, but wouldn't it be easier for them to be in church every time they are with you? Real time, authentic time showing others the heart of God. Your words, your choices, your attitudes, and your actions will reveal so much about you and your spiritual life. What do you do on a daily basis that shows those that do not have a relationship with God who He is and what it means to live for Him?
     Each day we have unlimited opportunities to live out, "walk the talk", what we claim to be. Authentically living out our faith is much deeper than just telling someone you are a Christian or placing a sticker on the back of your car's bumper, or even heading to church on Sunday. Persevering through adversity, sharing and giving of your heart and your efforts, being there in the moment when you are needed, and living each second of every day in a manner that shows you are grateful for all that you have been given good and not so good, hard times and mountaintop times is the life of a true servant of God. Paul said it best in Philippians 4:11-12 "I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want." For us to live a life that will demonstrate to others what it means to be a Christian this is a big part of that lifestyle. Most definitely, how you choose to react and act in all situations will demonstrate who you belong to, and how you persist through life's challenges will cause others to inquire about "how" you can be content in life's storms and struggles. 
      If we are His servant, which is what we become when we accept Him as our Lord and Savior, then our lives will become like a reflection of His life here on earth. During the short time Jesus spent here on earth He served, He gave, He spent time with those that were in need both spiritually and physically, and then He provided us with a model of selflessness that we must all strive to live out in our own lives. Be authentic, be real, give, give of yourself, teach, and most importantly live each day as the gift it truly is. Doing that will be more of a reflection of what Christ's church is then any temple we can build or any church we can attend. 
Coach Carter

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