Saturday, August 11, 2018

Pulling Up or Pushing Down

The question begs to be answered, "which is easier, to pull something or to push something?" I asked my friend and co-worker Sarah Cates that very question one day this week as we were moving textbooks out from the main office for our school system to the elementary and middle schools in our district. We had loaded so many boxes on the flatbed dolly that it was a challenge to get the necessary momentum to even start a roll down the hallway. I was behind the dolly pushing and not much was happening, so that is when my STEM mind pondered the question about pushing or pulling. Dr. Tony Dalton who happened to be standing within earshot, offered his analysis of the inquiry with the thought that it is much easier to push something using our legs more than it is to use our back more with the pulling motion. I agreed. Satisfied that I was in the best possible position to get the dolly on its way, I proceeded to push a little more and eventually get the needed momentum to roll the books on down the hall. As I was pushing I began asking myself "In life, is it easier to push somebody down, or to pull somebody up?" and that is today's topic for our Flat Tire Ministry Thought for the Week.
      I believe those educated in the realm of physics would agree that it is much easier to push something (or someone for our purpose) down a hill than it is to pull something / someone up that same hill. It has a great deal to do with simple gravity. The momentum factor makes it so much easier to push something down, and adversely gravity creates an additional foe in pulling something / someone up from below. Could that be why it is so common in today's world for people to spend more of their time putting people down and pushing them down with their words and actions? Maybe, if I push you down, then I can step on your back to get me to a higher position than I currently stand? Maybe, I won't look as bad if I push you down below where I am, which results in me looking better than you at least. Maybe, it's just too hard to pull you up because it would take the effort that I just don't want to exert because you just aren't worth it? I'm not able to tell you why people choose to push others down rather than to pick them up, but I can tell you that pushing them down is not your job in this life.
     Just because it is easier doesn't always make it right. Pushing books down the hall on the dolly definitely was the right approach over pulling them down the hall, but pushing people down for whatever reason is not cool nor is it acceptable in the eyes of God. Paul, the apostle, wrote in Colossians 3:17 that "whatever we do in word or deed we should do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him." So, whatever we do, we should be doing it for the Lord, and I'm pretty sure pushing people down isn't in the list of ways to serve the Lord if we are truly part of His workforce. Remember that whole thing about "do unto others as you would have them do to you" Luke 6:31, and "In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven." Matthew 5:16. If we are to be the hands and feet of God then we need to do some self-evaluating and get busy pulling somebody up the hill!
      My personal belief system is that everyone wants to help pull someone up from their pain or suffering, to make life better for someone else so that they in turn can make life better for someone or a group of “someones”. Tell me that somewhere in our hearts that urge exists for everyone! If so then why are so many people so busy tearing others down with their words and actions? My guess is it all comes back to gravity, it's easier to push than to pull. Wow, gravity will bring us back down to ground when we jump up and gravity will allow us to push someone down the hill so that they never get to where we are standing. 
      Today I refuse to allow gravity to determine my role in life, I refuse to take the easy way out and push rather than to pull others up! Exert some energy, use your back, lift and hoist, pull somebody up from their current position in life. You have been given the opportunity, you have the tools, and you are tasked to help others as your responsibility in life. Do it, get to it, stop taking the easy route pushing down others just because it is easier. Make a commitment to help others, lift others up, and to pull with all your might to bring someone up from the hole they are in to the mountain on which you are standing. Let someone else gain the same view that you are enjoying in life, and remember someone did just that for you! Pay it forward my friend Coach Carter 

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