Saturday, August 25, 2018

Give it One More Try, One Thousand and One More Times

I'm currently reading a book by Dr. Robert Schuller entitled "Tough Times Never Last, But Tough People Do". It was written in 1979 right after the recession which was probably a great deal of the motivation for Dr. Schuller writing the book as a source of inspiration for so many that had struggled to survive through the tough financial straits of that decade. Honestly though, this book could have been written in the 1970's, the 1870's, the1370's, or even 1370 BC, tough times have always existed and if I had a crystal ball I could pretty much see that tough times will continue to exist. Not trying to be pessimistic, only realistic. I have heard it often said that you have either just gone through a tough time, you are currently in a tough time, or you are headed right into a tough time and that unfortunately, fortunately, is a cycle that just keeps on giving. I say unfortunately then fortunately for a reason. As the title of Dr. Schuller's book states, tough times don't last, but tough people do, and the underlying truth to that statement is that when we decide that the tough times are ours and we must deal with those tough situations, then somehow, miraculously, those tough times just don't seem quite as tough anymore. Those tough times become our motivation, the fuel in our tank that moves us forward allowing us to place that tough time in our rear-view mirror, enabling us to face the day that lies in front of us instead of the sun set that is behind us.
      The key to making a tough time your motivator hangs in the balance of perseverance and grit. Going through tough times, I mean really tough times can be rough, even seemingly unbearable, but it is those deemable tough times that build the character, the integrity to push forward and to never quit. As you read this you may be saying, "That's easy for you to say, if you were dealing with what I am going through you wouldn't be so positive, so thankful for what I am dealing with.", and guess what you are right I don't know what you are going through or the complexity of your "tough time", yet I do know that it is yours and you have a choice that you have to make on your own. Will you accept it, own it, and overcome it mentally, physically, or more importantly spiritually? Or will you allow that "tough time" to be your anchor, your yoke, that you are going to bear alone for the rest of your days? Referring back to the quote, "Tough times never last..." that's right they never last, but they can definitely outlast you and actually go right to the grave with you if you allow it. You have to change your mindset and turn what could be something that prohibits your progress and ultimate success, to something that you use as energy to reach the goals, your purpose, in this life you are were designed to live.
     My dear friend KC shared a video with me this week that pretty much sums up the mentality of how you can take what appears to be one of the toughest times possible into a motivation for living the life you have to the fullest. I am providing the trailer for the Netflix short movie "ZION" to allow you to see that tough times do exist, but you determine how long they are deemed tough and when they actually become your grit to carry on.
    If you just took the time to watch Zion's trailer, may I ask the question "What do any of us have to deal with that we should say, "wow, I've got it bad?" This young man has definitely taken his "tough times" and has and will continue to motivate lives around the world, just like he did mine!
      You are going to face tough times period. You may be in a tough time, or heaven forbid you may be headed right into a challenging tough life situation, I am certain we all have our "yoke" we will carry, but I also know that you do not have to carry that burden alone. Jesus spoke these very words for you, for me, and for anyone that is facing a tough time in their life, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.  For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” Matthew 11:28-30. Take comfort in His promise, be energized and motivated by His assurance, and when you feel like you can't go on, just remember you do not have to "go on" by yourself, you have an encourager and provider that is always right there with you every step you make. 
I'll conclude today's FTM Thought with this quote from Thomas Edison the early American inventor credited with the invention of the electric light bulb. Edison's words should serve as a constant motivation for us all. Edison said, "When you've exhausted all possibilities, remember this: You haven't!"
"Never give up, never quit, and always do your best!"
Coach Carter

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