Sunday, March 25, 2018

Life is Short I Want to Live It Well

Live It Well, 
by Switchfoot
Take the burden from my arms
Take the anchors off my lungs
Take me broken and make me one
Break the silence and make it a song
Life is short; I wanna live it well
One life, one story to tell
Life is short; I wanna live it well
And you're the one I'm living for
Awaken all my soul
Every breath that you take is a miracle
Life is short; I wanna live it well, yeah
I wanna sing with all my heart a lifelong song
Even if some notes come out right and some come out wrong
'Cause I can't take none of that through the door
Yeah, I'm living for more than just a funeral
I wanna burn brighter than the dawn
Life is short; I wanna live it well
One life, one story to tell
Life is short; I wanna live it well

The lyrics of the hit Christian song, "Live It Well" by Switchfoot got stuck in my head this morning, which turned out being the inspiration for today's Flat Tire Ministries Thought of the Week. It's so true you've got one life to live, and you are the only one that decides how you live it, what kind of impact you make with it and the legacy you leave from it.

It all starts with a choice. Do you want to live your life running the rat race, chasing what? Money, "things", fame, or whatever material happiness that just keeps alluding you? In the song the writer wants to make sure you understand that "you get one story to tell". The story that many of us are recording is one of chasing the dollar, squandering our time, or seeking some type of name for ourselves that will make us memorable and "happy".  If happiness was the end result of this type of lifestyle, then news about the lifestyles of the rich and famous wouldn't be filled with stories of multiple divorces, drug addictions, and broken lives. Not sure if that story is the one you want to have shared about your life. How about one filled with discontent or unfulfilled dreams and plans. Stepping back and talking about what you should've done, or could have done, makes for a tragic life story of a life that never really got "lived". What about a life of envy or anger? What story are you going to share to your grandchildren if that is the life you live? Oh yeah, what about the story line of I didn't do anything except sleep in every chance I get, and I watched my TV or updated my wall every free moment in my waking hours. I didn't make a difference where I work, and I watched the clock until it said 5:00, time to leave! My dear friends, you get one life, it is short, you better live it well!
What does that look like? What does it mean to live a life "well"? It's going to look different for everyone, but I can guarantee if you live a life that is based more on others than yourself, at the end of your life, you will be at peace and the message you will receive is "His lord said unto him, Well done, thou good and faithful servant: thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy Lord." Matthew 25:21. Being faithful over a few things like the ruler was complimenting  his servant in the parable Jesus was sharing, can be compared to taking what you have been given in life, regardless of how much you have been given and living that life to the fullest. What does living life to the fullest look like you ask? Well here's a short list that you can glean from or add to when you are making your own bucket list of ways to live your life well! Give more than you get, work harder than you are expected, be the first to get there wherever "there" is, and be the last to leave every once in a while. Do something for lots of someones that you don't expect to get anything back in return. Donate you time not your money, laugh, splash, get dirty, look up at the stars, take the side road not the frequently driven road. Make something that helps someone, inspire lots of someones, love more than you deserve to be loved, because YOU are loved more than you deserve. Wake up early, turn off the TV, computer, phone, or tablet. Spend time being creative and artistic, enjoy and take care of nature, walk more, talk more, laugh more, and cry ever once in awhile when it is needed. Eat less junk, exercise more, and read books about people that can inspire you. Don't argue, worry, or stress, because every person on this earth has an opinion and they are entitled to it. Smile. Develop your faith, deepen your relationships, share your faith, and don't judge others faith. Be a friend that you would like to have, and don't forget... 
"Life is short, you've got to live it well!"

Link to "Live It Well" video

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