Sunday, March 4, 2018

Be a Conduit of Positive Energy

Be a Conduit of Positive Energy
     The students in our Industrial Electricity program are involved in a project to reorganize their workplace area. The goal for Mr. Wes Harbin's class is to have a commercial/industrial area and then also offer some residential electricity opportunities in another section of the room. Without handling any live electrical wires, the students in Mr. Harbin's class are pulling wires through the conduit to provide electrical service in new areas of their classroom. The electrical wires produce the power needed, yet is the conduit that carries it from the source to all the different areas in the classroom.
     In our daily walk, we too are a conduit of awesome power. The energy we carry and share each day has the potential to change lives, redirect attitudes, or create opportunities that others cannot see. Just as electricity offers a tremendous amount of energy that allows us to carry on our lives, that same type of energy in our lives also carries a magnitude of responsibility due to the strength and power that can either provide light and power, or it can adversely present a dangerous, even deadly source of power that can shock or even kill figuratively or literally.
     The issue is not whether you are a conduit or not, if you are breathing you are carrying and sharing some type of energy. What you have to determine is if the energy you are sharing is going to make a positive impact, or in stark contrast, will your conduit deliver bad attitudes, negative energy, or painful memories?
    If you could place an ohm meter on your life would the display read on the positive end of the scale or would it tap out on the negative end of the range? Well, just as our example of electricity being carried from its source to its destination through a conduit, the determining factor of your positive or negative energy also comes from the source to which we are connected.
     The problem is that there is an abundance of negative people and influences in this world. You have to be careful, the time you spend in front of a television can be "shocking". Honestly there isn't much available there that creates positive energy. The news has the potential to turn a bright day into a day filled with storm clouds and rainstorms. The message transferred through a great deal of today's "hit" music falls on the not so good side of creating positive energy. Choose your friends and those you hang out with carefully, they can be a conduit that has a huge impact on us each day. The biggest culprit for spreading negative energy in our lives is the very one that stares back at you when you look in the mirror. Jon Gordon, motivational author and positivity guru, often says "stop listening to yourself and start talking to yourself". We just have to make sure what we are saying is coming from the right source.
     I believe I am overall a positive person. I believe there is a chance to overcome any obstacle as long as I have a beat left in my heart. I trust that "ALL things work out for good" Romans 8:28, and I understand that God's plans and my plans more than likely do not match up, but His plans are all that matter. I know that if we believe and we never give up on hope, then God's love for us will always prevail. Keep in mind our plans and His plans aren't the same. II Peter 3:8-9 reminds us that "with the Lord a day is like a thousand years and a thousand years are like a day."
     Trust, faith, hope love, grit, resiliency, perseverance, and persistence tell me that I have a reason to be positive in this life. I have an assurance that is found in John 16:33 where Jesus assured His disciples, "I have told you these things so that in me you will have peace. In this world you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart because I have overcome the world." If your conduit isn't carrying this uplifting message then search out the one true source of energy, and connect to the power that never fails!
Coach Carter

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