Sunday, July 16, 2017

If the Oars Aren't in the Water, the Boat's Not Moving

     Before the introduction of steam engines and eventually fuel powered motors one of the main sources of energy for sea travel was man power. When I recollect the old action movies which included battles at sea my memory pops up images of the dark belly of a ship and deep rows of men rowing in unison to the beat of a drum or to the calls of the coxswain as he encouraged and sometimes threatened the men with the oars in the water. That is where the action took place underneath the deck of the ship, yet the person that most people would associate with being in charge  was the captain of the boat who stood at the helm steering the ship with slight turns of the wheel to the right or left. The person at the helm is ultimately responsible for the ships destination although without the power of the men rowing the boat from underneath, the ship is captive to the waves and winds of nature for progress. The captain of the ship is in charge, but don't ever underestimate the contribution of those providing the impetus for movement. Today's Flat Tire Ministries Thought reminds us that "we" are the body and we should never forget the importance of our contribution to progress and completion of life's responsibilities and plans.
     Just as it takes a crew to move a ship it takes hands and feet to fulfill our purpose in life. At work the manager, supervisor, owner, or "boss" (I really hate that word) provides the direction in which the company or business is headed. The leader has a vision of where the business is headed, a plan on how to get there, and has strategically placed the oarsmen in the right seats so that the business will effectively and efficiently reach it's goal or destination. This is all critically important, but without the energy, enthusiasm, and hands on power of the crew, the business is stalled and the ship isn't moving. The captain may be in charge, but if the crew isn't in sync or they just aren't working for the same outcomes progress is limited and goals are never reached. The true power of a ship thus lies in the heart of the ship.
     In my walk of faith it is the same way. My Lord and Savior is in charge. He has mapped out a plan for my life and He has provided me with goals and destinations that He wants to see me achieve and reach, yet if I am unwilling or out of line with His plan for my life then my ship isn't moving. There is a song by Casting Crowns, "If We are the Body", that poses the following questions:
But if we are the body
Why aren't His arms reaching?
Why aren't His hands healing?
Why aren't His words teaching?
And if we are the body
Why aren't His feet going?
Why is His love not showing them there is a way?
There is a way  

     My God has provided me with a guide book and an example by which to fulfill His plan for my life, but all of that is for naught if my oars are not in the water following the calls to move my life's ship in the direction He wants me to go. The important thing to remember here is your plan is probably not as much about you as it is about what you should be doing for others.
     If you are heeding the call to service in your life then you are listening and acting on what you have been called to do, but if you don't feel like your life is moving or moving in the right direction then you my friend may need to look at the only person that can make your ship move, YOU! The Captain of our life will provide the map and He will steer the wheel, yet YOU have to provide the strength and will power to move the ship in the direction it has to go!
Place your oars deep in the water and see where you can go! Have an outstanding week make a difference and watch your world change. Colossians 3:17 "And whatever you do or say, do it as a representative of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks through him to God the Father."
Coach Carter

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