Sunday, April 30, 2017

The Sum Total of Our Choices

     Bad habits are hard to break. We've all heard that statement before and for the most part we all would agree, it is hard to break a bad habit. I would contend that it is just as challenging to form good habits. I also would contend that we are a compilation of our choices in life, some of those choices are good and we inevitably reap the benefits of making those good choices, but on the flip side we also make some pretty poor choices that cause us a bunch of grief down the road when we also reap the consequences of the choices that would fit in the "not so good" category. So here's the rub, we all have free will to choose what habits we will form. The total accumulation of those choices will be a final accounting of our life and how we spent it on this big rock which we live.
     If we choose to eat poorly, watch too much TV, fill our minds with negative influences (such as TV), sleeping too much, not exercising enough, drinking to excess, smoking, backbiting, arguing, the list goes on and on, we have to realize those are all choices. Nobody makes you do any of the things listed above, you choose those and unfortunately those choices quickly become bad habits. Now you can make excuses like the comedian Flip Wilson used to do in his routine when he popularized the phrase "the devil made me do it", or you can give any number of other reasons why those bad habits exist. For example in the case of exercising do any of these sound familiar, my work schedule won't allow me to exercise, I'm too tired after work, I've got too many things on my to do list to work out, I can't work out because of the kids schedule, I don't want to join a gym where everyone will look at me, or you fill in the blank with the one that you are currently using or have used in the past. Guess what the reasons not to work out are the result of a set of choices and priorities you make each day.
     If you want to form a set of better habits in reference to exercising you can and you will. For every excuse you can come up with there is an alternative solution that will lead to better choices and thus good habits. If your schedule won't allow you to work out in the evening, then get up an hour earlier each day. What?? Get up earlier?? Yes, the National Sleep Foundation recommends anywhere from 7 to 9 hours of sleep for adults so going to bed at 10:00PM and getting up at 5:00AM will get you enough sleep and more than likely give you an hour to exercise before getting ready to go to work.
The bottom line here is whatever your bad habit is, you chose it and you have to be the one to break it.
     Once you begin making better choices and altering your habits so that they begin to fall in the "good habit" category, you will begin to see positive changes in your daily life. Remember you are a sum total of all of your choices. Before we end today's thought go back to our previous example and instead of exercising our bodies we replace that thought with exercising our spiritual body and soul. That too is a choice. We can try to convince ourselves that we don't have time to read and study the Word, we can make excuses for why we don't meditate and pray, why we don't spend time in worship and praise each day or even each week, or why we don't believe, all of which are choices. If I don't take care of my physical body with exercise and proper nutrition I will become weak, my body will fail me sooner in life, and my ability to help those in my life that I need to help will be decreased. The same holds true for my spiritual body as well. I must feed my soul positive messages, inspirational thoughts, motivational lessons, and faith based principles, I have to choose to work out my mind with positive tools such as devotionals, study groups, and time spent in the Word, and I have to make time in my schedule where I am focused on what is ultimately going to create a positive habit in my life.     
     Forming good habits is just as tough to do as breaking those bad habits, but as you begin replacing bad habits with good ones it becomes just that, a habit. Research has concluded that it takes anywhere from about one month to around two months to make something a habit that will stick. This week commit to breaking one bad habit you have and replacing it with an activity that will have a positive impact on your life and most importantly the lives of others you come in contact with on a daily basis. Remember it is a choice and you are the one that makes that choice. You can't blame it on circumstances, schedules, or any other excuse you can come up with, you have to choose to make it happen and then stick to it! When you struggle or begin to doubt you can maintain your choice of a good habit remember 1 Corinthians 10:13 which encourages us that "No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it." You are not alone! Enjoy your week and all the opportunities it will provide!
Coach Carter


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