Sunday, April 23, 2017

Be More Like the Cactus

     I'm certain everyone is familiar with cacti and it's ability to survive the heat and lack of water in the desert, but have you ever researched how this thorny plant accomplishes this feat? Cacti are definitely survivors some living up to 200 years in the harsh conditions of some of earth's hottest and driest locations. It's safe to say the cactus has found ways to withstand the heat and to thrive in the desert on a minimal supply of the one nutrient that all living things need to exist, water. Many times in our own lives we find ourselves in a desert, living under intense "heat" with no source of relief in sight. Many times our well feels as if it has ran dry and we are placed in the middle of a drought. The cactus could teach us all a little bit about planning for life's droughts and how to store up nourishment during those times when the heat is turned up and we need something to quench our thirst.
     The cacti was created to store up water in preparation for long spans of time with no precipitation, while enduring extreme temperatures and a blistering sun. Without going deep into the details of how this is accomplished let's just say the cactus is equipped with a few qualities that allow it to retain moisture when it is available to survive the times when it is not even a mention in the weather forecast. An intricate web of roots near the terrain's surface allows the cactus to catch all possible moisture before it seeps down to other potential plants and their roots. Cacti also have spines that act like an accordion expanding during precipitation and then closing up to retain the moisture during long periods of drought. In addition, when we think of a cactus we almost always think about the prickly thorns that protect the cactus from animals damaging the plant and thus forcing it to use it's reserved water for repair. Interesting research, but I'll leave the in-depth study to the science department. What I'm more interested in is how we can survive life's droughts and withstand the adversity and afflictions of our lives when we feel the heat is being turned up with no relief on the horizon. Taking on the qualities of the cacti that help it survive and thrive might be a good lesson for us all to learn.
     I have heard it said that if you aren't going through a crisis in life currently, then you either just made it through one, or you are probably getting ready to experience one. That's not being pessimistic, that's being a realist. Life is going to be filled with an abundance of joyous occasions and reasons to express our gratitude and our happiness, but it's during those periods of drought when the "heat" is blistering that we need a reserve source of nourishment to overcome. Just as the roots of the cactus stretch out to find sources of nourishment, we must realize we can't do things on our own. We have to reach out to those we love and also to call on our faith to provide water for our soul, mind, and body. We need to store up scriptures, songs, and stories of others that have overcome and of those that are still overcoming adversity in this world. When we step back and look at what others around us have endured and how their faith carried them through we should soak up their takeaways and store them in our reservoir. Developing a defense system such as the spiny thorns of the cactus will allow us to fight off depression, despair, or doubt and stand firm holding on to the promises that "He will never leave us nor forsake us" Deuteronomy 31:6, and that "when you are tempted, He will also provide a way out so that you can endure it." 1 Corinthians 10:13. 
      We relish in the good times of life, yet it is during the challenges and adversities of life that we experience growth and stamina. It may seem like you are living in the middle of the Mojave Desert, but my friend if you store up water from the well of faith you will always have enough to survive and you can be confident of His promise. ".... but whoever drinks of the water that I will give him will never be thirsty again. The water that I will give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life. John 4:14 ESV. Be more like the cactus so that you are prepared for the heat and droughts of life. Live life and live it more abundantly! Coach Carter

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