Sunday, February 26, 2017

Trial by Fire

     When I think of the phrase "trial by fire" my mind envisions a piece of unforged steel being cast into the midst of a pulsating bin of fire and coals and then pulled out only to be beaten and formed into it's eventual destiny of a razor sharp sword. When I looked up the origin of the phrase I found three different ways that "trial by fire" is used in context. None of these have to do with the testing of precious metals such as silver, gold, or even steel for that matter, but instead all three deal with the mettle of men and women in the face of some type of adversity. The first is when someone is exposed to flames to test their courage, truthfulness, or commitment, you get the picture. The second use of this phrase is when soldiers are faced with fire from their enemies and the testing is of one's fortitude in the face of this threat. The third usage for this trial by fire is found in any ordeal that "tests" someone's strength, endurance, or resolve.
     So it is, the essence of withstanding a trial by fire is not directly related to my visual image of a mass of steel being submerged into the fire, but instead it is directly related to how we, throughout our lives are tested and formed by the trials by fire in all the various forms those tests present themselves. Nevertheless, let's stay with my visual image and relate it to the trials by fire in our own lives. If we were that piece of unformed metal preparing to face the trial of fire what would we be thinking and how would we present ourselves? Would we willingly accept the adversity or would we "melt" under the heat of the fire?
     When we face adversity or affliction many times it is to test just how committed we are to our purpose in life. When the metal is placed in the fire it has to withstand the heat and maintain it's form. Regardless of how hot the fire gets we must persevere! Situations can test our fortitude or our ability to withstand uncomfortable circumstances, but when we endure the test our character is strengthened and those around us that look to us for guidance are assured that they are in the company of someone they can depend on and trust. It is our responsibility to endure for the sake of those that we have been entrusted to care for and direct along the way. Just like our comparison of the bar of steel that is forged and formed into a razor sharp sword, we must endure the heat and allow the blacksmith to create in us that same sharpened tool.
     Life is full of trials and unfortunately most of them are more along the line of the "fire" type. As you enter this week and as you journey forward keep in mind that the trials by fire in life are necessary to create in us what we are truly supposed to become. Stay the course and endure the test, the resulting impact will allow you to grow and mature into who you are meant to become! 

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