Sunday, November 20, 2016

Thanksgiving Should Be Just Another Day

     Whoa! Before I start a controversial online war, let me clarify the title of today's Flat Tire Ministries Thought. I love Thanksgiving and I am so "thankful" for the opportunity to lay aside a day specially created for each of us to stop and reflect on what we have to be thankful for and then sincerely give thanks for all we have. In a culture where the commercial world barely squeezes Thanksgiving in between the goblins and pumpkins of Halloween and the snowmen and Santas of Christmas it is critically important that we as parents, teachers, and caring adults teach others of all ages the importance of giving thanks. Today's thought has two goals in mind. First I hoped the title would spark an emotion of "hey what's he mean Thanksgiving should be just another day??",  secondly my goal today is to motivate you into not waiting on Thanksgiving day to give thanks. It is my hope that you will begin to look at what you have to be thankful for each day and give sincere thanks each day. Unfortunately many people will even forget to give true "thanks" on Thanksgiving. The hustle and bustle of preparing the turkey dinner, cleaning up the house for the visit of family and friends, taking advantage of a day off from work to get caught up on some fishing or hunting, or the latest news about which players are injured and will be unable to play in the Thanksgiving Day ballgames engulfs many people's thoughts on the day that we should be spending deep sincere time giving thanks. My question at this point is, if we are too busy on Thanksgiving to really stop and give thanks, is it even feasible to think we are stopping to give thanks each day for our countless blessings?
     Here's something to ponder, when can you recollect the last time you gave thanks for your car? May not take too long for many of us. The answer is most of us don't give thanks for the means by which we make a safe, daily commute to school, work, or any of the other many tasks our vehicles allow us to do on a regular basis. Now take a moment and think about when was the last time you complained or gave thoughts to wanting a newer, bigger, smaller, faster, sportier, or flashier car, truck, or SUV? Nothing wrong with wanting to do better for yourself, yet when have you honestly given thanks for the one you have? Okay how about this one, when is the last time you gave thanks for your job? Or When was the last time you woke up and growled about having to get up and go to that same job? What about something basic like your vision? The other night at our school's Thanksgiving program, I forgot my reading glasses and I struggled to read basic lines from pages I had in front of me, yet how often do I give thanks for eyesight that allows me to see perfectly even if it is with the assistance of a dollar pair of reading glasses? If I were blind I might just appreciate the opportunity to wear reading glasses if they would allow me to see. Are you starting to understand where I'm headed today?
     Here's something you might want to do to help you see where you are in the giving thanks business. If you made a list of things that you give thanks for on a daily basis, or even a weekly basis, and then you made a list of things you complain about on a daily basis, which list would be longer? Remember if you do this be honest with yourself nobody else is looking. Whichever list ends up longer the great thing about your list is you are in charge of it. If you don't like what your list reveals then change it! Start your day in reflection and meditation giving thanks for all you have been blessed to have. If your muscles ache when you get out of bed, be thankful you are able to get out of bed. If your oatmeal is mushy or your biscuit is hard, be thankful you have the means to buy the food you have and that you have food to eat. When you arrive at work and the first thing that happens is a calamity, be thankful that you are capable of handling calamities and that you have a job calamities or not. When you want to argue and complain about your marriage, your children, your finances, your life in general, I want you to really stop and look at the gifts you have been given and learn to be thankful for each of them each day!
     We are way too blessed and we need to be giving thanks for those very blessings each day! It is so easy to get caught up in the rush of each day to the point that we need a special day to stop and give thanks, yet if we would only stop each day long enough to reflect and give thanks for all we have and all that has been given to us our "Thanksgiving Day" would mean so much more! Ephesians 5:20 encourages us with, "Giving thanks always and for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ". Whatever you do this special holiday season, take time to give thanks and then make it a part of every day you are given! HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!

Coach Carter

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