Saturday, November 12, 2016

Red Bull? Monster? NOS? What Energizes You?

     Not sure where they came from, but "energy" drinks are pretty much a part of our national retail effort to energize young and old alike on a daily basis. What happened to black coffee? Somewhere along the line soft drinks like Mountain Dew entered the equation and from there we have entered the realm of "five hour" energy solutions. I'm not so certain that these "energy" drinks are actually supplying us with energy, if you qualify caffeine as a source of energy then I guess they meet the mark, but I'm not so convinced that we need to be getting our energy from a chemical substance in a high octane form.
     As normal culture goes I guess I am pretty much the weird guy in my world. I gave up soft drinks  almost forty years ago, cokes were still being sold in glass bottles, and I haven't regretted it yet. I never was a big coffee drinker, but I did enjoy a glass of refreshing sweet tea on a daily basis. Almost two years ago I decided to cut those two items out of my drink selections as well. I really haven't missed either of those either. I have yet to drink an energy drink and to be honest with you I'm not sure how people could handle me if I did!
     Today the majority of my liquid intake is water, and I do enjoy fruit juices or an occasional hot green tea with honey. I can tell you most people would ask me where do you get so much energy? "They ask me how many cups of coffee have I had today?" or "What are you on?" Of course as I have explained no coffee, no caffeine, and no supplements, so why do I have so much energy? My secret is really not a secret at all. Let me share.
     When I wake up each day I carry out a stretching regimen, series of core exercises with a run or walk, and light weight lifting on alternating days. Then I spend a period of time in devotion and prayer with my Lord and Savior each and every day. After that part of my morning is complete, around 5:30 AM, I get ready for work and head out the door energized and pumped! When I get in my truck I turn on some inspirational music, 106.9 is my favorite, and make the morning commute to work arriving most days around 6:30 even more pumped from the influx of positive messages I take away from the uplifting music. By the time I start unloading my students from their cars and off our buses at 7:00 I am so energized a Red Bull energy drink would be a like a sedative to me!
     The point I am trying to make today is not that everyone should quit drinking caffeine, nor is it that I think everyone should get up at 4:30 each day and spend an hour or more exercising. No the critical component for my energy output is the input of positive influences I ingest literally and figuratively each day. The old saying you will get out of it what you put into it applies well here. If you spend your time laying in bed until you are forced to roll out and the first thoughts that go through your head are "Oh I wish I could lay here another hour" or the last thing and the first thing you see and hear each day are the rantings and ravings of the TV what can you expect to takeaway from it? "Where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord maker of heaven and earth" Psalm 121:1-2. I have made the personal choice to place as many positive influences in my daily life as possible and I firmly believe that is where my strength and energy come from each day.
     When I look around I see God's creation and it makes me smile. I give thanks for the opportunities that I will have each day to help others. I reflect on how fortunate I am to have the home I have, the truck I drive, the job I am blessed to have, and the bountiful blessings of my family, friends, and coworkers. The opportunities that I have been given that allow me to make an impact on not only the students in my school, but all the opportunities I have been blessed with to work with children and adults for the betterment of our community and beyond. I could go on and on because I have so much to be thankful when it comes to opportunities to help others.
     You have to make the decision. Where will you get your energy? Will it be in a bottle or will it come from the life you have to live? Will you stop and reflect or will you pop the top and say "I hope I can make it through another day"? I challenge you to look at life as a chance to make a difference and through that kaleidoscope you will begin to see life differently, you will begin to feel differently, and you will receive more energy to do more for others and thus yourself than you will ever receive in a 10 oz. bottle!
Thank you for reading, reflecting, and sharing this message. Your supportive comments and thoughtfulness to share this blog with others that might benefit from it are an inspiration to me! Go out and do something amazing! Coach Carter

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