Sunday, October 9, 2016

Time is an Invaluable Treasure, Spend it Wisely

     If you know me and even if you have only been introduced to me through this blog, I would hope you have gathered that I am a relentless optimist. Whether it is an inborn trait passed on from an amazing set of parents and grandparents, or whether it has been nurtured in me through trials, experiences, and a lifetime of living out my mantra of "never give up and never quit", I fully believe the glass is half full and maybe just a little bit above halfway! Coupled with that optimistic mindset there has to be a certain degree of realism stirred into the mix and when I say realism I'm talking about the realism associated with the inevitable aspects of life. Whether I believe the sun is going to come up tomorrow or not it is going to, whether I believe good will overcome evil in the end it will, and whether I believe I am going to live forever or not I will most assuredly pass from this life at some point! The question is do you understand that the sand in your hour glass is not running north? I came to a realization a year or so ago and it has dramatically impacted my outlook on living, I'd like to share it with you in hopes that it motivates you to take action over inaction today!
     I have a book case set of shelves in my office and over the years I have collected certain items that have a special meaning or are a reminder of an event in my life that has made a lasting impression on my life and provides me with stories to share with students, staff members, and other guests that visit me at school. One of those items is an hourglass that was designed with a three minute mark. Turning the glass upside down of course creates a downward stream of white granular specks flowing, as gravity would cause, towards the bottom of the glass encasement. On one particular occasion I had an epiphany of sorts in that as the grains lessened in the top portion of the glass I realized that I along with the rest of the world's 7.4 billion inhabitants have one thing in common. None of us is gaining grains of sand in our hourglass. Now don't start labeling me a pessimist or someone with a negative outlook yet. No. for me this "Aha" moment if you will wasn't a negative for my mind it was a call to action that has had a positive impact on my life ever since I came to understand the truth behind "time".
     To sit around waiting on the right time to do something is the exact type of thinking that will cause you to miss out on life and the opportunities that you need and want to take advantage of, yet for some reason we think we will have more "time" later to do the very thing that needs to be done now! A friend of mine gave me a little round piece of wood close in size to a quarter and written on both sides of the wooden coin is the word "toit". Puzzled, I inquired what the meaning of the inscription on the coin meant to which my benefactor replied, "This is for you when your answer to someone about when you are going to do something is I'll do it when I get around to it.  Now you have a round "toit" so you have no excuse on procrastinating about a project or about some time to spend with someone you need to be spending time." My round "toit" sits on the same shelf near my hourglass.
     People, when are we going to start living our lives like we don't have a tomorrow instead of like we have an unlimited number of tomorrows to put off today until we decide it is the right tomorrow. When will we start realizing that our tomorrows are almost over and the opportunity is streaming down through the tiny opening in the glass that now feels like it is the width of the mouth of the Nile River? Solomon the author of the Book of Ecclesiastes admonishes us in chapter 3 that "There is a time for everything,
    and a season for every activity under the heavens:
    a time to be born and a time to die,
    a time to plant and a time to uproot,
    a time to kill and a time to heal,
    a time to tear down and a time to build,
    a time to weep and a time to laugh,
    a time to mourn and a time to dance,
    a time to scatter stones and a time to gather them,
    a time to embrace and a time to refrain from embracing,
    a time to search and a time to give up,
    a time to keep and a time to throw away,
    a time to tear and a time to mend,
    a time to be silent and a time to speak,
    a time to love and a time to hate,
    a time for war and a time for peace."
With that in mind when do you think you need to get started? Most of us don't go around thinking about the time we have left on this rock, but instead as we age we begin planning for our retirement and our end of time plans. Why should we be thinking about the end? Why don't we think about the beginning we are provided each and every day. Each day we receive is a gift and we have the opportunity, no the responsibility to make the most out of each and every day. 
      Spend more "time" with your children while you have "time". Find a cause or an organization that you can connect to and spend "time" investing in helping others more than the "time" you spend worrying about yourself. Turn off the tube, take a walk, read a book, read The Book, plant a tree, plant an orchard, help a child, or start a non-profit to help a population of children. Find something to get involved in, donate your time to an organization that is already established, or just go visit someone you haven't seen in awhile and just be a friend. Keep in mind spending "time" doesn't cost anything, but the impact of the  investment of "time" cannot be calculated, nor can it be compared to all the other things we spend our "time" doing. Work, meetings, deadlines, TV time, sitting around, playing video games,  or laying around in the bed are things that so many of us spend our "time" doing and the return on these types of investments will not do much for us or for those we love, or for those we could be helping. I guess the bottom line here is this; should we go around thinking about how much time we have left before we die, or should we be giving thanks for each moment of each day we are granted and then go out and spend our time investing in people, causes, and service to others that will leave a legacy of hope, faith, and love for our future generations and for those we come in contact with each and every day! As the grains of sand funnel through my hourglass the only thing I can see are the grains that are still in the top of my glass and as long as one grain of sand is left I want to see how much of an impact my God will allow me to make on my world! Wow, what a pump! Have a wonderful week, go out and take advantage of the gift you have been given! 
Coach Carter

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