Saturday, August 13, 2016

Picking Blackberries

     When I think back to my childhood growing up on and around our Whetsel family farm one of my fondest memories is picking blackberries and then eating the blackberry cobbler my grandmother would make afterwards. During some of the hottest weeks of the summer, blackberries would come into season and Mamaw Whetsel would send me to hunt out and pick blackberries. She armed me with an old tin pot that thumped when the berries first hit the pot until I had gathered enough berries to insulate and pad the bottom of the pan for the onslaught of berries I would gather. If you haven't ever had the pleasure of picking wild blackberries it is an adventure that is filled with great rewards, blackberry cobbler a' la mode, blackberry jam or jelly, and just plain old sitting around popping them in your mouth pleasure. Yet, as with most rewards in life blackberry picking is accompanied by some pricks and snags along the way.
     You see blackberries are grown on vines and those vines have prickly thorns that will bring blood with the slightest of snags. On the outer branches of the vine there are several smaller berries that catch the full force of the sun and heat on a daily basis. This tends to dry out the berries and the berries found on the outer branches are just not as juicy and are no where near as sweet as berries found inside the heart of the vine. I guess that's why God placed the best berries inside the protection of the prickly vines and protective leaves. If I had settled for the berries on the fringe of the vine my reward would never have been quite as tasty or sweet.
     An intricate maze of vines, leaves, and thorns make finding the best berries an adventure. Weaving, crouching, hunting, and searching for the hidden berries turned blackberry picking into a hunt for hidden treasure on an outing such as this. I remember peering into the web of vines and spotting a cluster of plump berries with pods that looked like they would burst when you touched them. To reach those berries that had been protected from the sun and it's glaring heat I would have to weave my arm thru the thrones while finding a way to manipulate other branches and leaves with my free hand. Upon reaching the prize the thief had to be careful not to grasp the berries to firmly to avoid bursting the juicy pods. Along the way I was sure to snag my shirt, shorts, arm, ear, or other appendages of the body, releasing a trickle of blood mixed with humid sweat that would leave a stinging sensation at the source of the stream.
    Nature provided other dangers looming around each of the berry vines as I journeyed the farm popping berries in my mouth and filling the tin pan with my treasure along the way. A wide assortment of bees were always attracted to the sweet juicy treat of the blackberry vines and if you weren't careful you might reach out to grab a berry, and instead find that you had picked a berry with a temporary resident in place. Somewhat more dangerous than the bees was the thought of running up on a slithering snake in the bushy vines. That would cause an immediate jump out of me and almost certainly a host of thorns sticking out of my arms and legs as I would lose all semblance of focus on the task at hand.      
     Although the dangers were plentiful the rewards outweighed the risks every time. A fresh, hot right out of the oven cobbler with it's buttery, golden brown crust and the bubbly, oozing blackberry juice spilling over the sides made the hunt out on the farm with every thorn, pestering insect, or sneaky snake worth every bite. Adding a fresh scoop of vanilla ice cream only made the delectable treat even more rewarding. As my mind drifted back I couldn't help but think about how in many ways reaching our dreams, goals, and ambitions in life mirrors those blackberry hunts of yesterday.
     In life we all set plans for what we want to during our journey. Some lofty and some that may seem out of reach. Nobody ever said it would be easy to reach our goals and many times when the going gets tough, instead of "get going" we give up. We settle for the dried up, sun baked, tart berries in life. It's easy to reach that set of goals and the effort doesn't include very much risk along the way. You can see where you're going and the obstacles, risks, and energy required to reach this type of goal is minimal. Life is so much more than that my friend!
     To reach the juiciest goals and dreams in your hearts and mind, you have to be willing to accept a little risk and expect a snag, poke, and even a setback along the way. You may even experience what you perceive as failure, a venomous bite that you aren't sure you will ever overcome. The key is to never give up and never quit. If you want all the sweetness that life has to offer you have to be willing to accept the risk and understand that you will face obstacles, walls, and even events that make you feel like you have totally flopped, but you can't ever give up! Not as long as you have breath in your lungs, as long as you have a finger to lift, or as long as you can see that berry hiding just outside of your grasp. Carry on and move towards your destination in life. Remember it's easy to give up and quit, lots of people do it every day. Be the one that accepts the thorns of life as just another step towards the sweetness of your ultimate destination!
       Get up, get moving, and go pick some blackberries!! Whew, I'm ready to go, can't wait for berry season next year! Have a fantastic week. I know you know two or three people out there that could benefit from some positive encouragement. Stop, think, and then click and share. Easy peasie, lemon squeezie. AH! I've been in an elementary school way too long! LOL- love my profession, it is a passion not a job!
2 Thessalonians 3:13 And as for you, brothers and sisters, never tire of doing what is good.
"Endeavor to Persevere" Native American Chief Lone Watie from the movie "The Outlaw Josey Wales"

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