Sunday, August 11, 2024

Pedaling Uphill

 "We are on a journey!" I declared that proclamation to Ella and ChaCha, two of our granddaughters as took a Saturday morning bike and scooter trek to the library. Distance wise we were talking less than a mile each way, but with a 4-year-old on a scooter, and her 6-year-old cousin on a bike with training wheels it might as well have been a Spartan race course for this 61-year-old Poppy! I may be exaggerating a bit, we had tons of fun, checked out several books for each girl, stopped by a pizza spot to refill our tanks, and then we finished out the morning just in time to hit the pool for an afternoon of splashing and swimming. Good day, sleep came easy. But, that's not necessarily today's topic for our Flat Tire moment. 

Something that Ella has been dealing with on our biking excursions is the little inclines along the way when you transition from roadway to sidewalk. Those slight and modest inclines have been like a brick wall barricade as she pedals across an intersection to the next sidewalk area. When she gets across a street her inclination is to pause and timidly approach the upgrade, which in turn leads to her being stuck in place right there in the middle of neither being up the hill or down at the base of the ramp up. That in turn leads to a cry of "Poppy help me, I'm stuck." I, not wanting to be an enabler, decided it was time for Ella to overcome her mountain and so I talked with her about what to do at the next uphill approach we reached. What I told both girls is that when you reach any uphill struggle, you have to pedal faster and harder to make it to the level ground that awaits. As we crossed the next intersection, Ella checked for clearance and then pedaled her way across the street. She started up the ramp area, cheered on by ChaCha and I. "Harder, harder, keep pedaling, don't give up, don't stop you can do it!" I encouraged my little trekster as she overcame that "hill" and proudly pedaled on ahead of our entourage. I could sense the pride of her accomplishment when we stopped not far from there to catch a drink and cool down for a minute. Mission accomplished, for the rest of our morning walk, push, and ride, Ella pedaled through each and every intersection incline as we journeyed back home. 

I'm not sure if Ella and ChaCha were completely ready for one of my motivational talks on life being tough and that sometimes you just have to pedal a little harder to overcome the obstacles to reach your destination in life, but that is exactly what came to mind as I briefly stopped and noted this "Aha" moment for me. There are so many instances in life where pedaling uphill may feel more like pedaling on one of those stationary bikes where it doesn't matter how hard you pedal you are still sitting in the same exact place. I know in my own life there have been times when it was more like being on an escalator trying to go up hill on a downward ride. Progress just wasn't there. I suppose it is safe to say that in life you have  overcome several uphill climbs, or it may be that you are currently in an uphill struggle, or it could be that you will be pedaling through an uphill climb soon, but regardless of when it occurs, we all have or will be facing a time of pedaling uphill to overcome that mountain in front of us.

Regardless of what your struggle is, be it relational, financial, or possibly a health related uphill struggle, you are not pedaling alone! Just as I encouraged Ella as she pedaled up that slight incline in front of her destination, God is right there with you in life's uphill challenges. Everyone's hill is unique, and in your life it most likely is the focus of your morning, day, and night. Know this, just when you feel like you want to give up because the struggle feels like it is too much to overcome, keep pedaling you can't give up! There is a helper who is there with you encouraging you on whispering in your ear "Harder, harder, keep pedaling! Don't give up and don't quit! You can do it!" " The prophetic words of Isaiah share God's encouragement to each of us "So do not fear, for I am with you, do not be dismayed. For I am your God, I will strengthen you and help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand."  Isaiah 41:10. Whatever it is you are facing today, pedal on! God is near and He will see you through! 

Coach Carter

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