Sunday, May 5, 2024

Shining Through

Funny how inspirations for the Flat Tire Ministry thoughts just seem to pop into my head right out of the clear, blue sky. Today's FTM literally came to me yesterday as I was driving home after a spring shower ended. The sky was not clear nor was it blue, but the inspiration definitely was provided by looking off to the horizon and the gray cloud cover that existed. As today's title suggests, as I peered off towards the cloud covered sky, a small break in a section of the clouds opened up and in that particular area the sun burst through with a shimmer of sunlight. As the clouds dissipated, more and more glimpses of the hidden sunlight appeared through the dense cloud cover. It was a beautiful site to witness. The bright light shining through the dark rain clouds provided me with a comforting reminder that God is with us in our adversities and afflictions, whether we can see Him or not is irrelevant, God is there and if we keep our eyes and our hearts open we will eventually witness His light of love and hope shining through the darkness of our situation.

Dark skies, dark clouds, or dark times are all inevitable. We have become conditioned to a basic understanding that if the skies become dark, more than likely rain, wind, lightning and thunder are on the way. When the storms hit we also are conditioned to find cover or stay inside until the weather subsides. Recently, a friend's family members who live in Oklahoma had to deal with the possibility of the storm clouds turning into a devastating tornado. Fortunately, they were spared the blunt impact of that storm, to God be the glory! In life, storm clouds enter our lives in much the same fashion, but many times the duration of our life's storms long outstays its welcome and it can become a challenge to see God's light in the midst of our storm. 

We all experience storms in life. The impact of your storm can be comparative to that of a rain shower in May where we seek temporary shelter to avoid getting wet, or at times, a storm in our lives leaves us scared, alone, and uncertain about the future. A tornado like storm disrupts, destroys, and leaves a trail of destruction, much like the tornadoes of life that leave us wondering if we will ever experience peace again. Fortunately, we have the ability to see God's light shining through any magnitude of storm that this life blows our way. 

“The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.” John 1:5. When Jesus entered the world as a man, He was identified as the "Light" of the world (John 8:12). We will live a life that encounters darkness, some storm clouds will be short term and for some the darkness of life's storm may feel like a cloud that circles overhead following us everywhere we go. Regardless of what type of storm you are encountering, the closer your relationship is with God the better equipped you will be to endure and even thrive for God in your storm. His light will shine through and His light will illuminate the darkest of storms. 

Today, I encourage you to seek God's light in the midst of your storm. Life's storms are inevitable, yet so is God's light! May the light of God's love come shining through your storm clouds today! Seek Him, He is near! He is the Light that will come shining through!

Coach Carter


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