Sunday, February 4, 2024

Building a Fire


Building a fire is a skill that most folks are not just born doing successfully. The phrase “building a fire" is definitely the appropriate terminology, because you just don't light some wood and presto you have a fire. There is a skill set to it that is developed through several trial and error experiences, basically a trial by fire. (Pun intended). Learning how to build a fire can definitely come in handy especially when we are in need of light or when we are in search of warmth and heat. In the same manner, understanding that in our own lives we are responsible for building a fire inside ourselves and then sharing the light and warmth of what we have created with those that we meet and with those we do life with each day. 


As stated, I am no expert on the subject, but I do believe the following steps can be agreed upon by even the most experienced camper or woodsman. After prepping the area, you first have to gather dry leaves and grass which serve as tinder or fluff which ignites easily. Small twigs are then placed like a fort around the tinder and at that point the fluff can be lit. The leaves and grass burn quickly, but at that same time the small twigs catch the fast burning flames and suddenly they too are on fire. As the twigs are burning, larger sticks can now be added, and the process continues until you are adding logs on top of logs into the blazing fire. I may have over-simplified the whole process, but I think you get the picture. What starts out as a spark from a lighter quickly becomes a roaring campfire. The warmth of the blaze pulls us in as close as possible so we can warm ourselves on a cold, winter night. The light from the flames illuminate the darkness of the night giving us comfort and a sense of security. And to think, it all started with a spark.


We have the same opportunity to build a flaming fire inside our heart and soul. As we accept God as our Savior, we are in essence gathering the tinder and twigs to illuminate Jesus in our lives. Hearing about what Jesus did for you and I on the cross and accepting Jesus as our Lord and Savior is the spark that lights our internal fire. From there we read His Holy Word, we listen to sermons and Godly mentors who add the larger twigs and logs to the fire, and then as we develop our personal relationship with our Creator through prayer and meditation, the light of our fire begins to illuminate the room drawing those that are lost in the darkness towards His light in us. And to think, it all started with a spark. 


We are to be His light. In John 8:12 Jesus proclaimed "... I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” If we are truly followers of God, then His light should be visible in us and others should be able to see God through the life we are living. Jesus charges us to be His light to this dark world, "Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven." Matthew 5:16. I challenge you today to ask yourself "Am I shining His light in my life each day?" There are myriad ways to shine that light, but the key is that your fire is building and warming those around you. The flames from your internal fire should illuminate a path to Christ. To think, it all starts with a spark. That spark is love. “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." John 3:16.

Coach Carter 


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