Sunday, September 10, 2023

Good Morning!

Have you ever given a moment's thought to the simple little phrase "Good morning"? I imagine, if you are like me those two words come out of your mouth numerous times each day, more than likely without a thought being given to what we mean in our brief encounter in passing. Are we wishing them a "good day"? Are we informing them that at that moment our morning has gone well? Or could it possibly just be two words that have no meaning at all behind them and we are just being cordial? I certainly hope it isn't the latter case! 

I was reading through some scriptures today when I happened upon this verse from Psalm 143, "Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love, for I have put my trust in you. Show me the way I should go, for to you I entrust my life." Psalm 143:8. May each morning remind us of God's unfailing love, now doesn't that just resonate of what would symbolize a "Good Morning"? As the sun rises in the east each morning, we should be quick to proclaim that it is a "good morning"! 

As the sun displaces the darkness of night, our hope and prayers should be for God to illuminate the paths that we should take and the words we share. So, of course each morning is a good morning, especially when we have that personal relationship with the God of All Creation! Just as the sun rises, I too rise each morning. I give thanks for that ability to rise out of bed and from there it is a plethora of giving thanks for all God has done for me, all He has given me, and I thank Him in advance for what He is planning to do through me each day. The sun rising is a constant reminder that each morning is a "good morning". 

So, as you start out your day today, keep in mind what you are saying when you bid someone you pass a "Good morning". The Son has risen and the morning sunrise is a constant reminder of His unfailing love. The goodness of His daily promise to be with us always (Joshua 1:9) gives us the authority to proclaim that today is indeed a Good Morning!

Coach Carter


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