Sunday, August 20, 2023

Show Me

 I've often heard people refer to the state of Missouri as the "Show Me State". That phrase can even be found on the state's license plate. Curiosity finally got the best of me and I completed a simple Google search just to find out where the "Show Me State" nickname originated. My search revealed that there are a number of theories as to where the nickname started, ranging from miners needing to be "shown" how to do the work they traveled to Missouri to do, to a politician's challenge to an opponent to provide evidence "show me" instead of just relying on "frothy eloquence" in his speech. Wherever the label originated, it definitely stuck. If you are from Missouri, it would be safe to say that you want someone to prove their claims before you believe what the other person is saying. 


I'm pretty sure that James the half-brother of Jesus wasn't from Missouri, but based on the challenge he presents in James 2:17-19 he very well could be considered a favorite son from the "Show Me State" of Missouri. James wrote, "So faith by itself, if it has no works, is dead. But someone will say, “You have faith and I have works.” Show me your faith apart from your works, and I by my works will show you my faith. You believe that God is one; you do well. Even the demons believe—and shudder." To build a little context, James was writing to Christians from a Jewish background whose salvation was based solely on faith. Basically, James is saying to this group "Show me" your faith without it coming through in the life you live, and he would show them what faith really looks like through the work he was doing for the Kingdom of God. I'd have to say that I tend to agree with James, our faith should be visible through the way we live our life for Christ. 


Go back and read the last sentence in the scripture quoted above, James delivers a profound truth that is both simple and deeply complex. Faith by itself means that you believe in God. Approximately 81% of men and women polled in America say they believe in God. If believing is all it takes then our country is in pretty good shape. The paradox James presents in our scripture today is that even demons believe in God, but does that mean they are living their life for God? So, the question would be, is faith or belief in God enough? Is that all God wants and expects from us? Are we living out the charge that Jesus gave us as disciples through the Great Commission if we sit back and proclaim our faith through the context of belief alone? (Matthew 28:18-20)


James says show me your faith, don't just say you believe. But how do we do that in our everyday walk? Do we need to stand on a street corner with a sign proclaiming John 3:16, or are our works more of a way of life that we live out each day? I lean more to the daily walk mindset, our works should be who we are at work, when we play, out around town, and most assuredly in our homes with our families. Our minds should be set on service over self, compassion and empathy towards our fellow man, and forgiveness for those who don't deserve forgiveness. Those are all qualities that Jesus modeled and taught while He was here on this earth giving us an example of what our works should resemble.  


When we go even deeper, our minds become set on trusting God, not just believing in God. Trusting and obeying God goes beyond just believing in God. A faith mindset trusts that God is in control, believes He has a plan and purpose for each person's life, and understands that it is our responsibility to seek out what God created us to do in this life He gave us to live. The work we do in seeking God's will is only possible when we develop a faith that walks with us through the valleys, and stands beside us on the mountain peaks of life. Today, you can tell the world that you believe in God and that you have faith that He is the God of all creation, or you can choose to show the world the God you believe in and trust. The choices we make, the work that we do, and the talk that we walk should all be examples of the faith we live out. May your walk with God be on full display through the works that you do. I believe God wants us to show Him that we believe in Him, I can almost hear Him calling out, "Show me". 

Coach Carter

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