Sunday, July 9, 2023

A Hole in My Sole

I remember a pair of shiny black dress shoes I had that fit the title of my favorite pair of shoes. Stylish, but not trendy, versatile in function, and way too comfortable to be a pair of "dress" shoes. I literally wore that pair of shoes out. I was able to keep the uppers looking good by applying the leather conditioner liberally, and I regularly polished and buffed them to keep the shine appeal. That was on the surface, it was much easier to perform the necessary upkeep on the visible portion of the shoe, the issue that mounted over time was what I mentioned above, I wore the sole of those shoes out. To the point that a hole gradually developed from the years and miles of pacing, climbing, shuffling, and journeying in and out of work weeks, social gatherings, and church. I literally had a hole in my sole which really complicated my working relationship with this pair of shoes that had served me so well. On the surface the shoes were without blemish, yet underneath the surface where the real work takes place, I had a pair of shoes that were exposing my foot to pebbles, dirt, and most noticeably wetness. I tried to continue wearing the pair of shoes, because they were like a best friend to me in my overall wardrobe, yet it became quickly apparent that the "hole in my sole" was not going to get better, and the elements of nature that shoes are designed to protect us from were only going to become more and more of a problem. Thus, I concluded that it was time for a new pair of shoes, and coinciding with that purchase was the retirement of what once had been my go to pair of shoes. 


In life we can experience those same "holes in our souls". On the surface life looks good, we keep things polished and cover the blemishes with material conditioners that provide the appearance that everything is okay and life is good. Our exterior appearance is more manageable just like my old pair of shoes. Unfortunately, real life is not just surface level. The surface level can and is in many instances of life superficial and only provides the appearance of stability and contentment. Rarely do we see the holes in a person's soul in our normal everyday interactions. Obviously, most people don't want others to see that they have problems and for the vast majority of people our holes in life make us appear vulnerable and weak so we do all we can to hide that from our life circle. Just as the hole in my pair of shoes sole was visually hidden, we can stash away our soul's hole for a while, but eventually the world and its trials and tribulations leave us unable to function in our daily lives. 


A breakdown in a relationship, work related woes, financial burdens, physical ailments, addictions, or any other "hole" creating life experience causes friction in our souls which ultimately wear us down to the point of creating a breakdown in life. The final solution for my shoes was to purchase a new pair of shoes. Fortunately for each of us, we don't have to attempt to purchase a new soul in life. God created a pathway to fix the holes in our soul. In the Book of Romans Paul challenges us "Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will." Romans 12:2. On our own fixing the hole in your soul is overwhelmingly challenging, but when we turn our adversities and afflictions over to God we can trust that He is able to take care of us and through faith we will experience God's healing touch.  


We can trust God to take care of us through the "holes in our souls" in life. Whether it is through healing, comfort, or strength to carry on, He is ever present in our lives whether we acknowledge Him or not. Our faith must be based on what God does in us and for the benefit of those we live with and do life with each day. Placing our trust in Him gives us the strength to move boldly forward. A blind man that Jesus healed was asked who he thought Jesus was. The man wasn't giving the officials the answer they were looking for so he gave them the best answer he could, "... One thing I do know. I was blind but now I see!” John 9:25. I don't know what you are going through in life, your family, coworkers, and others that you do life with most likely don't see the holes in your soul either, but there is one thing I do know. God is the ultimate cobbler. He can mend your soul and heal your wounds. Call on Him, trust in Him, and He will be there for you and with you. 


Coach Carter

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