Sunday, November 13, 2022



Over the past few weeks I've been listening to a new song by Melissa Helser titled "I Can't Get Away". If you haven't heard this uplifting song yet I highly recommend it. Throughout the song we are reminded that God is with us wherever we go and whatever we do. "When I'm up and when I'm down, when I'm lost, until I'm found, in the morning and in the dead of night, and the one that really rang clear to me, I've been to the bottom and I've been to the top." I love the message that Helser's song delivers, but what I really like is the rhythm of the different paradoxes up and down, lost and found, morning and night, bottom and top, each one brings an image of a little rubber ball dropping to the ground only to bounce right back up to its original starting position. The message of the song "I Can't Get Away" is a reminder, you may fall down, you may get lost, but you can't get away, God's love is always going to be right there waiting on us, helping us to get back up when we fall. In other words, BOUNCE!

If we compare ourselves with that little rubber ball, we will see that the ability to bounce back from adversity is a tremendous gift from God. It is our job to be resilient when adversity hits and BOUNCE back up and try it again. What I continuously hear in the aforementioned song is "I've been to the bottom, I've been to the top, BOUNCE, I've been to the bottom, I've been to the top, BOUNCE, with me in the morning, in the dead of night BOUNCE, God is with us and He always will be. So, what does it take to be able to bounce back from the adversities and afflictions we face? Well in the case of the rubber ball it is what is inside that makes it all possible. Rubber bounces.

The composition of a rubber ball is what gives it that bounce back capability. If the same ball was made out of cement it obviously wouldn't bounce, it would crash and smash. Plastic may bounce a bit, but it really isn't pliable enough to carry the same bounce factor of rubber. But the rubber makeup of that small ball gives it the full capability to bounce back from the adversity of being dropped to the floor, hitting the ground, and then bouncing back.

What does your core composition consist of? Are you capable of bouncing back when your health takes a drop? How about when a relationship is damaged, or your finances take a major setback? What gives you the ability to bounce back? Having a trusting relationship with the Father is the composition of being able to bounce back up and getting your life back on track. The next time you feel yourself being dropped literally or figuratively remember that you have God in you and he doesn't allow us to crash the first time we hit the bottom. Instead God allows us to bounce back from our weaknesses and makes us strong (II Corinthians 12:9-10), BOUNCE. Our total existence hinges on where we place our attention. Colossians 3:2 tells us to "Set your mind on things above, not on things of this earth, in other words" BOUNCE!  

Coach Carter

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