Sunday, October 9, 2022

Waltzing with God


I have a goal for Missy and I to enroll in a ballroom dancing class. Healthy exercise, and an opportunity to learn an art form that is highly entertaining. Honestly, it is almost magical to watch as two individuals move synchronously around the ballroom floor twisting, twirling, and dipping all in perfect time with the orchestra's accompaniment. Even a mere spectator understands that so much time and practice is required for this syncopation to occur, training that begins with the decision of who will be leading and who will be following that lead. It would seem to be a no-brainer, but who leads and who follows in life is a question that traverses more than the ballroom dance floor. In life we have to decide who is in charge, who or in many cases what is calling the shots, directing the steps, and creating the plans by which we will live out the life we have been given to live. 


The names Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers are two that are commonly recognized as outstanding examples of ballroom dancing partners. This dynamic duo entertained audiences on the big screen for years in the early stages of cinematography with their seamless promenades and pivots back and forth around the dance floor. At its best, it is a challenge to discern who was leading the dance when Fred and Ginger floated across the stage, yet inevitably there had to be one partner leading and one following the other's lead to ensure toes were not getting stepped on and unintentional collisions were avoided. Sit back and really watch a pair of ballroom dancers and attempt to ascertain who is leading and who is following, challenging may be an understatement. That is when dancing is on display at its finest. In your dance with God is it obvious who is leading and who is following? And how do you know the steps of the dance he has choregraphed for the life you were created to live?


So many times, we speak of our "walk" with Christ, referring to our relationship with our Creator. When we dance with Christ, it is taking our walk and moving it up a notch to the level of a choreographed masterpiece. Think about our Fred and Ginger example. Floating around the room, beaming smiles, and an energy level that can be felt by even the most inexperienced observer. But how did Fred and Ginger get to that level of two becoming one on the dance floor? Practice, time spent together studying, mapping out the steps, and yes coming to a consensus of who would lead and who would follow. That's what happens when two become one. The union of marriage is an example of this union of two becoming one, and much like a dance the two participants learn that there is a certain sense of dependence that is created when you truly are one flowing body on life's dance floor. 


How can you be a better dance partner in your relationship with God? Spending time in His Word, meditating on His will for your life, practicing the principles that are given to us through countless examples both in the Bible and throughout history. We work on the dance steps daily through prayer and our works that share God with those that are watching our syncopation through our daily dance. There is nothing routine about our dance with God. If you don't have a relationship with God, you are pretty much just out on the dance floor moving around. There is no rhythm to our choices and there is no coordination to our plans. We are just bouncing around hoping a partner, some partner will become the lead that we can follow. Addiction, depression, and disappointment are potential partners when we don't head to the ballroom of life with a partner that will lead us upward in every aspect of our lives. 

"You shall walk/dance* in all the way which the Lord your God has commanded you, that you may live, and that it may go well with you, and that you may live long in the land which you shall possess." Deuteronomy 5:33 *my addition.


Who is leading your dance of life? Are you going to the dance alone? There is a partner that will lead you in His paths of righteousness a dance partner that won't let you fall and who will dance through life with you for eternity! Care to dance?

Coach Carter

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