Sunday, September 11, 2022

Honey in The Rock

 If you haven't heard the song "Honey in the Rock" sung by Brooke Ligertwood and Brandon Lake you might want to check it out, so inspirational and quite the motivation tune as far as I'm concerned. Sometimes a song just speaks to your heart and soul, and in this instance the message was exactly what I needed to move me out of a little self-pity party I was having. At times it is necessary to do a little self-reflection to see that what we are complaining about may be what we need to be embracing instead. 

I have been keeping a pretty busy schedule over the last few weeks and months. New job with a new set of responsibilities for a much broader base of accountability. The new school year has kicked in so that also means fall sports are hitting the field and court, so my supervision and coaching opportunities are revving up as well. That basically equals long days, late evenings, and not a great deal of down time to spend with family, keep up with normal household chores, or rest for that matter. After one particularly long day, I was just laying my head down on the pillow around 11:30PM, knowing that around 4:30AM I was going to need to be up preparing for a Saturday at the football stadium with Pee-Wee Football supervision. I was on the brink of complaining about the lack of rest I was getting when I received a little tap on the shoulder reminding me that I really don't have anything to complain about when it comes right down to it. Here I was just about to lay my head down on a soft, comfortable pillow, on my super comfy king size bed. Crisp, clean sheets and a roof over my head with the air conditioner set at a comfortable temperature assured me that rest will come easy. Not even mentioning the hot shower I had taken after I got home, the ice, cold glass of water I drank after that shower, or the fact that my wife was right there waiting on me when I arrived. I may have wanted more time to sleep, but regardless of the amount of time I had, the comforts of home were going to make my rest relaxing and replenishing. 

On the other hand, a short month or so back we were in downtown Chattanooga and on the evening streets around the downtown area, men and women were taking residence in building entry stoops and even up against a corner of two exterior walls. The scene was both a disgrace on our society, and a heartbreaking memory that I revisit across these United States of America. This should not be the case. We have so much, we have beyond what we need, and in spite of how good we have it, we want to complain because we want more. That is where the message in the song "Honey in the Rock" stopped my complaining and enabled me to see my situation in a little different light. 

In the midst of our adversity and affliction, God provides us with what we need. The method of what we need comes to us in various and sundry ways. For me, my complaining spirit was met with the reality that I don't have anything to be complaining about when compared to the hardships that people in my own community and in communities across our state and country deal with each day that they live. God gives us honey from the rock to feed our souls when we otherwise might very well go hungry and thirsty. If you are experiencing hurts and pain in your feet from standing at work too long, stop and ask the man with no legs how he is doing today. When we complain that our food is "not good", think about the family who will eat tonight because of food donations at a local non-profit pantry. Receiving honey from a rock tells me that God knows what we need and He will not allow us to go hungry whatever our circumstance. "But I would feed you with the finest wheat.  I would satisfy you with wild honey from the rock." Psalm 81:16.

I am grateful for the honey from the rock of Jesus, he gave me hope and a plan to live forever in Him. Our job is to find the Rock and taste the sweetness of the honey only he can provide! Desiring to have a better life is human, realizing that the life you have is all part of the plan God has for you is essential and life-changing. Honey in the rock!

Coach Carter


  1. I really needed this today ,thank you ! Love to you and the family

  2. Love the song and the lesson. So true and humbling. Thank you for sharing.
