Sunday, April 10, 2022

As Much as Things Change, One Thing Still Remains the Same

Have you ever stopped and given thought to how the world, as we know it, is changing so rapidly right before your eyes? Technology is almost outdated before it hits the store shelf, advances in medical treatments have elongated the life span of mankind exponentially, and the internet continues to shrink the world in terms of a global community. When I think about the changes that have taken place in my fifty-eight years, I can only shake my head in amazement. You have to realize, I'm still trying to figure out how I can be sitting right here in Morristown, Tennessee talking on a device to someone across town, on the other end of our state, or to our friends across the big pond! I mean when I was growing up the Jetsons was a popular cartoon based around the "future". George Jetson, patriarch, had video calls coming in on a wall mounted TV monitor and I was so impressed with the idea of being able to talk to someone and see that person on a screen. Zoom? Teams? Google Meets? Who would have thought? I guess I'm waiting on the chance to shout out the command, "Beam me up Scottie!" 


Cars that drive themselves, artificial intelligence that can perform so many "human" tasks, and most recently a miraculous vaccine for a global pandemic produced in months as opposed to years, these are things that we barely even blink at, but if you sit and really give them some thought it certainly does borderline with incredible! Life as we know it will continue to change, yesterday's science fiction is today's reality, that is just the reality of life as we know it. But, I would make a proposal that is not a new mindset, but one that takes on a whole new perspective when placed in its proper context, “The more things change, the more they stay the same!”


How we conduct business may change to a virtual world, yet we will always be dependent on business to make the global economic world go around. People may interact through virtual formats, but we will always thrive on making connections with our friends, neighbors, coworkers, and acquaintances even if they are on the other side of the world! And learning, which is essential to progress, may become more of a personalized experience filled with online, simulated, and asynchronous components, but the necessity of learning will always remain a primal obligation for mankind if we plan to continue moving forward. The more things change...


As much as this world has changed there is one constant that has not changed, one person that has been the same since the dawn of creation and will remain the same regardless of how "things" change in our world. We serve a great big God, a God that loves you just as He loved the Jew and the Gentile, the wealthy and the poor, the downtrodden and the honored, God's love has not changed, and the pathway to receiving His love remains as simple today as it was over 2000 years ago. Ask, seek, and receive His gift, it is free of charge and available anytime day or night!

My generation has lived through land lines and party lines (you may have to ask someone about party lines), to smart phones that can be accessed on your wrist, or hands free in your vehicle of choice. I have gone from ordering my burger through a little box mounted beside an illuminated menu board and then having my order delivered to me by a wheeled carhop, to ordering that same burger via Uber Eats and potentially having a drone drop off my meal at my front porch steps, with equal delivery times! Change is good, and progress is inevitable, but I am thankful that my God, your God, our God is the same God today, tomorrow, yesterday, and forevermore! 


The Bible assures us that our path to eternal life is simple and unchanging, "The world and its desires pass away, but whoever does the will of God lives forever." I John 2:17. In relation to today's topic we are reminded that, "... we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal." II Corinthians 4:18, and above all matters past, present, and future, it is paramount that we understand the sacrifice that was made so that we can gain our eternal salvation through Christ, "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." John 3:16. It doesn't matter who you are, what you have done, or where you exist on life's spectrum of clout and position in life, salvation is yours forevermore! I thank our Father in Heaven for the eternal gift that was given for each of us, a gift that regardless of how much things change, His love will forever remain the same! Hallelujah! May you receive and accept His eternal love today!

Coach Carter 


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