Sunday, December 19, 2021

Shooting Stars

One of the benefits of being up around 4:30AM each morning is having the good fortune to catch a meteor shower on full display. I unknowingly, literally walked right into an early morning light show this past week and it did not fail to impress and set me up for an amazing day. It is hard to describe the smile that comes across my face when I am fortunate to catch a falling star in full descent. It happens so fast and many times you just catch a quick glimpse of the trail as it trails quickly to its demise. If you are fortunate enough to experience a meteor shower encountering over 100 shooting stars in a short period of time is completely possible. I hope I'm not writing this blog to someone who hasn't witnessed a shooting star, if there is someone out there who hasn't had the enjoyment of watching a falling star make its descent, I encourage you to search for the next one that will be occurring in your proximity and then make plans to find a dark sky spot and load up your blanket and a good friend to share this spectacle with. 

The unfortunate aspect about watching a falling star perform is that the whole thing signals the end of the star's life. There's an old rock and roll song by the band Bad Company titled "Shooting Star" which tells the story of Johnny who wanted to be a rock and roll star. Johnny reached his goal, but just as quickly as he reached stardom, his ultimate demise was hastened with a bottle of whiskey and a bottle of sleeping tablets beside his bed. Textbook "shooting star" example. Alas, this Flat Tire Ministry Thought is not set to focus on the lost potential of so many bright and shining stars, no today's message is one about potential gained not lost. 

Shooting stars, we are not. Although today's message is about the beauty and power observed through the demise of a literal falling star, your life isn't meant to end in such a manner. It is our job to assure that when the light in our star is exhausted, it isn't just a meteorite rock that remains as evidence of our existence. Your legacy, your impact on your family, friends, the community in which you live, the state where you reside, the country you align with, or your impact on the world are all things that you have control over and I want to challenge you to make a positive difference in as many of the aforementioned aspects of your influence. 

I am inspired and motivated by the proclamation of Solomon in Proverbs 17:6 "Grandchildren are the crown of the aged, and the glory of a son is his father." In other words, if we do our job the way God intends for us to live out our lives fulfilling His purpose for the life we have been given, then the confirmation of a job well done will be found in our grandchildren's lives. In addition, our children will be a "shining" example for their children. Don't lessen the impact you will have not only on your own children, but also on the lives of so many other children, adults, and even institutions or movements. You were given a purpose on purpose, if you don't fulfill that purpose, your life will be much like the meteorite rock scattered across a field with no purpose of meaning accomplished. Or, your life can glow, flame, and impact so many others much like the brilliant stars of the night sky and spectacular performance of a shooting star. Don't allow your light to fade out of existence, leave your impact of this world in the lives of those you live with, work with, and spend your time with each day. Our shining example to follow is Jesus. Jesus wasn't going to be a shooting star, His plan wasn't to shine just while he walked this earth, but to continue shining into eternity! Won't you join Him as he moves us to action, "Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid."  John 14:27 What legacy piece will you leave?

Coach Carter

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