Sunday, November 14, 2021

Traveling Along the "Trials" of Life


Trails and Trials, one little letter transposed and we transition from an enjoyable walk down a winding pathway, to a dreaded period in life that challenges us to dare move forward. On the first look those two words are distinctly different. I mean who doesn't enjoy a leisurely stroll down a mountain trail or even following a man-made trail to take in a series of historic landmarks such as a memorial park trail? As for trials, I don't think I recollect people lining up to take part in their next trial of life? Marital issues, financial matters, work issues, home issues, health, mental health, basically anything in your life that happens along the way that is unexpected and undesirable, those my friends we call the trials of life. Distinctly different, yet uniquely similar, both trials and trails take us on a journey, it is our choice where that journey takes us in life. 

The metaphor of our lives being a series of trails that we journey could easily have the word trials substituted and convey the same message. Actually, we may actually travel through many more trials in life then trails if we think about it. I have traversed many trials in my life and I can attest that the "journey" through each of those trials has taken me to new levels of perseverance and resiliency in my life that I most likely would not have achieved had it not been for the trials of life that I endured. 

Think about going on a hike, a leisurely hike if that promotes a better visual image in your mind. Without a trail to follow how easy it would be to get lost. Trails are marked in most cases, directing us to take a left turn here and a right turn there. Well-traveled parks have signage alerting the journeyman about upcoming features such as waterfalls, sunset views, and even steep or dangerous sections of the path ahead. The markers along a trail and the beaten down path which lays out the "way to go" are there because many have traveled that trail before you. Trails are easier to travel because of those that have been there and done that before us. Wouldn't it be nice if the trials of life were the same as a well-marked trail? 

What if those trials of life were laid out specifically for you or I? What if instead of looking at trials in life as punishment for bad choices, misfortune, or even the result of generational influences, we adopted the mindset that trials of life are set to build us up and take us to where God can actually use us for the purpose we were designed to accomplish? Psalm 37:23-24 tells us that "The Lord directs the steps of the godly, He delights in every detail of their lives Though they stumble, they will never fall, for the Lord holds them by the hand." Moving from being a victim of a trial, we suddenly transform ourselves into a servant of God traveling down a trail that we must journey and grow through to become that man or woman we were purposed to become. I am reminded and comforted by the words of David in Psalm 23:4 "Yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil for Thou are with me Thy rod and Thy staff they comfort me". Confidence gained, stamina packed, and doubt removed, I walk forward not knowing what tomorrow holds, but motivated and empowered by the knowledge of WHO holds tomorrow! 

If you are going through a trial currently, place your trust in the one that created you to endure and even thrive in this moment. Life isn't easy and the trails are not always flat and marked with what lies ahead, but if you can get to that place where you place your faith in the understanding that you weren't made by mistake, and what you are going through can grow you and fulfill you, then you no longer will be traveling through a trial, but instead walking hand in hand with God down the trail of life you were purposed to traverse! 

"For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11


Coach Carter

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