Saturday, June 12, 2021

Taste and See


I fondly remember "plugging" a watermelon as a child. That terminology may warrant a little background information before we go any further, as I'm not 100% sure it is even performed in today's world. Plugging a melon is the practice of allowing the merchant to cut a small triangular shape into the heart of the melon and then pulling it out so the potential purchaser can get a taste of the melon before purchasing. Just looking at the melon alone gives you some insight to whether it is ripe or not, but nothing about the quality of the delicious fruit inside can be ascertained through that visual inspection alone. When it comes to a fruit like strawberries or bananas it is pretty easy to look at the fruit and know if it is ripe or even overripe, but with a watermelon you can look at it all day long, and still not be able to determine the quality of the fruit inside. By allowing the watermelon to be plugged, the buyer can taste the fruit and make sure it is what he or she wants to take home to share with family or friends. 

Our walk of faith begins with a taste much like the sweet sample of fruit that is obtained when the melon is plugged. We hear about having faith, we talk with people who say that they "walk" by faith, and we may even know someone that shares that their faith is what allows them to make it through each day. For those that do not know God or those that have not developed their faith in God, faith in God can be a real challenge. Faith increases as we trust more in God's plan for our lives and place less emphasis on what we believe is our course in life. Trusting that God is in control and that His ways and His plans are so much more important than anything we could ever imagine is critical to fortifying our faith walk with our Lord and Savior.  

 In Genesis 34:8 we are encouraged to "Taste and see that the Lord is good, ...". Just as we take a bite of melon from the heart of the fruit, God wants us to take a bite of the love that He has for us, and see how good it really is. Once we take that bite, we are transformed, we grow through the trust we build and as that trust grows so does our faith in God and His plan for our lives. Most definitely this is a process that happens over time as does any relationship, but it starts with a taste. 

When I eat at a buffet, I sample some of the items that look interesting, to make sure I like it before I waste food on my plate. Once I've taken a sample I determine whether I want more or not and then I go back and fill my plate with the items that will eventually fill my stomach and provide me with nutrients to keep me healthy. If you have a relationship with God already, then I encourage to fill your plate with trust and faith and place yourself closer to God who will walk with you through any and all challenges this life may throw your way. If you haven't started your walk of faith with God then I encourage you to "taste and see" and give God the opportunity to guide you through the choices and complexities of this life we have been given to live! 

Coach Carter

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