Sunday, March 28, 2021



I believe most everyone would agree that an annual health checkup is a good idea. Our insurance carrier obviously does, they offer one physical per calendar year free to their customers. When I go in for my annual physical, it is kinda like a challenge to me to see where I was the previous year in regards to blood pressure, weight, and other lab results. I've been trying for years to get that height one to go up, but to no avail! The results of that exam help me map out plans to modify lifestyle habits when needed, and reemphasizes the importance of the positive practices I invoke in my life. Less fatty foods high in cholesterol, more fruits and vegetables, appropriate exercise, and adequate rest are examples of what we label "healthy" lifestyle choices. Just as making healthy choices contributes to a positive medical checkup, making some sound choices when it comes to prayer and our focus during our prayers also can lead to a "healthier" spiritual checkup!

Several years ago, I realized that my prayer life was somewhat of a misnomer for me. I would pop out of bed and move into my day not ever giving much attention to prayer, and especially nothing like a dedicated time for reading my Bible, devotion, meditation, and prayer. As the day would come to a close, I would shower, relax a bit, and then off to be I'd go with plans to finish the day with a quick prayer of thanks for the day and or a request for God to intervene in someone's life situation that I had heard about during the course of the day. What actually happened when I laid my head down on the pillow was snoring and snoozing! I go hard every day, always have and always will, as long as the Lord allows me to, but the point here is prayers didn't really happen while I was employing this type of strategy. 

In 2014 my prayer life changed, or it would probably be better to say it began in 2014. Taking on a 30-day challenge to journal a daily prayer, it soon became a part of my day and my life that I wouldn't and couldn't do without. I made the conscious decision to get up a little earlier and give myself an opportunity to meet with my Creator to learn more about who He is and what He wants me to do in this life that He has so graciously given me to live. 

Over the years that prayer time has become such a significant part of my spiritual self, and I wouldn't want to go into a day without first having my morning time with God. Even with that being such an important part of my daily life, I still need a checkup every so often just to see how my prayer life is going. The purpose of prayer to me is to spend time with God. Listening to His guidance, interceding for other’s needs, and thanking Him for the gift of salvation that we did not deserve. All of those should be integral parts of your personal meeting time with your Lord and Savior. 

Just as too much junk food, too much couch time, or too much fatty meats can contribute to a red flag when you go in for a yearly medical checkup, too much time spent focused on your own personal wants and issues can create an unhealthy checkup for your prayer life. Journaling my prayers gives me an easy look into what I spend most of my time praying for and about. If my thoughts and prayers are focused mainly on me and the trials, tribulations, and adversities of my life, then most likely I'll spend most of my day thinking about how unfair my life is and how unfortunate I am. If my condition controls my thoughts during prayer, then my thoughts throughout the day will convey that same mindset of "me first".

I can safely say that I do not believe God wants us to live life that way. Here is Paul's take on the topic in one of his letters to the church in Philippe, "Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others." Philippians 2:3-4. Paul said do nothing out of selfish ambition, I would be willing to go out on a limb and include our prayer life in the category of that directive. Once you start taking the focus off you and your issues something magical starts to happen. For me my thoughts start moving towards those less fortunate than I. I begin to think about others needs and how blessed I truly am. My problems shrink in comparison to some life matters that I personally know others are battling. How could I spend so much of my prayer time putting me first? Jesus directed us to go out and save the world (Matthew 28:19), how about we start that endeavor by setting our minds on the troubles of the world and not the troubles of my own little world. Take time to do a self-check, if you don't journal your prayers then maybe start, otherwise pay attention to what you pray about, how often you pray about those things, and how much you actually pray for others in your prayers. This is one sound way to have a "healthy" heart!

Coach Carter

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