Sunday, March 28, 2021



I believe most everyone would agree that an annual health checkup is a good idea. Our insurance carrier obviously does, they offer one physical per calendar year free to their customers. When I go in for my annual physical, it is kinda like a challenge to me to see where I was the previous year in regards to blood pressure, weight, and other lab results. I've been trying for years to get that height one to go up, but to no avail! The results of that exam help me map out plans to modify lifestyle habits when needed, and reemphasizes the importance of the positive practices I invoke in my life. Less fatty foods high in cholesterol, more fruits and vegetables, appropriate exercise, and adequate rest are examples of what we label "healthy" lifestyle choices. Just as making healthy choices contributes to a positive medical checkup, making some sound choices when it comes to prayer and our focus during our prayers also can lead to a "healthier" spiritual checkup!

Several years ago, I realized that my prayer life was somewhat of a misnomer for me. I would pop out of bed and move into my day not ever giving much attention to prayer, and especially nothing like a dedicated time for reading my Bible, devotion, meditation, and prayer. As the day would come to a close, I would shower, relax a bit, and then off to be I'd go with plans to finish the day with a quick prayer of thanks for the day and or a request for God to intervene in someone's life situation that I had heard about during the course of the day. What actually happened when I laid my head down on the pillow was snoring and snoozing! I go hard every day, always have and always will, as long as the Lord allows me to, but the point here is prayers didn't really happen while I was employing this type of strategy. 

In 2014 my prayer life changed, or it would probably be better to say it began in 2014. Taking on a 30-day challenge to journal a daily prayer, it soon became a part of my day and my life that I wouldn't and couldn't do without. I made the conscious decision to get up a little earlier and give myself an opportunity to meet with my Creator to learn more about who He is and what He wants me to do in this life that He has so graciously given me to live. 

Over the years that prayer time has become such a significant part of my spiritual self, and I wouldn't want to go into a day without first having my morning time with God. Even with that being such an important part of my daily life, I still need a checkup every so often just to see how my prayer life is going. The purpose of prayer to me is to spend time with God. Listening to His guidance, interceding for other’s needs, and thanking Him for the gift of salvation that we did not deserve. All of those should be integral parts of your personal meeting time with your Lord and Savior. 

Just as too much junk food, too much couch time, or too much fatty meats can contribute to a red flag when you go in for a yearly medical checkup, too much time spent focused on your own personal wants and issues can create an unhealthy checkup for your prayer life. Journaling my prayers gives me an easy look into what I spend most of my time praying for and about. If my thoughts and prayers are focused mainly on me and the trials, tribulations, and adversities of my life, then most likely I'll spend most of my day thinking about how unfair my life is and how unfortunate I am. If my condition controls my thoughts during prayer, then my thoughts throughout the day will convey that same mindset of "me first".

I can safely say that I do not believe God wants us to live life that way. Here is Paul's take on the topic in one of his letters to the church in Philippe, "Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others." Philippians 2:3-4. Paul said do nothing out of selfish ambition, I would be willing to go out on a limb and include our prayer life in the category of that directive. Once you start taking the focus off you and your issues something magical starts to happen. For me my thoughts start moving towards those less fortunate than I. I begin to think about others needs and how blessed I truly am. My problems shrink in comparison to some life matters that I personally know others are battling. How could I spend so much of my prayer time putting me first? Jesus directed us to go out and save the world (Matthew 28:19), how about we start that endeavor by setting our minds on the troubles of the world and not the troubles of my own little world. Take time to do a self-check, if you don't journal your prayers then maybe start, otherwise pay attention to what you pray about, how often you pray about those things, and how much you actually pray for others in your prayers. This is one sound way to have a "healthy" heart!

Coach Carter

Sunday, March 21, 2021

Let's Make a Deal


I vividly remember laying on my Mamaw Whetsel's couch, her in her recliner, TV dinner trays still set up in the living room warm from the Swanson's turkey and dressing dinner entree, getting ready to watch Monty Hall and the night's episode of "Let's Make a Deal". It was exciting to watch the couples in their outlandishly creative costumes making a decision to keep what Monty had just offered them as a prize or to trade it in for "What's behind door number 2". So many times, the contestants would have a really nice expensive gift, but their ... curiosity, or discontented mental capacity would cause them to trade it in for something sight unseen that they hoped would provide a better and more satisfying outcome. Sometimes it worked, sometimes it was a complete flop and the contestants walked away with a "pig in a poke" prize. That was the allure of "Let's Make a Deal" the desire to have more, and unfortunately it has only increased as a preoccupation in our world. It's no wonder the original game show aired from 1963-1976, and has been revived over and over since, we always want more, better, bigger, improved, or simply what our neighbor has, remember that "Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor..." line? Guess what?  God knew what He was commanding against, it is aberrantly human nature to want more!

That doesn't make wanting more completely bad, but it sure doesn't make it anywhere near okay either. On the game show Monty would flash $100 bills in the faces of the contestants trying to get them to take the cash instead of what was behind the curtain of doors number 1, 2, and 3 at times the money was the best option and sometimes the money was a subpar comparison to the new car or luxurious travel vacation package hidden behind the door. The issue wasn't and isn't whether you traded up or not, it's more about shouldn't we be thankful for the gift we have received, instead of always looking for some way to improve or expand our position in life. I'll make this not so bold statement. "If you can't be happy with what God gave you, then please don't think that just because this world gives you something more you all of a sudden are going to be content and fulfilled."

Contentment is defined by Webster as, "the state of being happy and satisfied". Plain and simple if you aren't happy with the "what" that God gave you then you are very unlikely to be content with the next big "what" that is in your radar. Never enough could be one way of describing discontentment. Dissatisfied with your appearance, have reconstructive surgery. Disillusioned in your marriage, have an affair. Upward mobility is the path to your contentment in life, work more, spend more than you make, and show it off like you have more than enough! All the while none of the aforementioned situations hardly ever lead to contentment with one's situation. Trust me there is no deal that you can make to improve your life that will make your life better if you can't be content with the life that you were given to live!

Satan is the master host of life's "Let's Make a Deal", yet please understand it most definitely isn't just a game of chance. In Matthew 4 we read how Jesus was offered a deal of the century by our adversary. In verses 8-11 Jesus was offered the world, but He had already made the decision to stay true to His Father, "Again, the devil took him to a very high mountain and showed him all the kingdoms of the world and their splendor. “All this I will give you,” he said, “if you will bow down and worship me.”  Jesus said to him, “Away from me, Satan! For it is written: ‘Worship the Lord your God, and serve him only".  Jesus knew that regardless of how appealing the offers that Satan made were, they would never equal the promises that God the Father had made to Him and offers us still today.

Life is full of choices, much like the appeal of my old favorite show, "Let's Make a Deal”, it’s hard to believe that what might be hidden behind door number 3 might just be better than what you have been handed in life. Play the cards that were dealt to you. Strive and work to provide a better quality of life for you and yours, but don't let that strive turn into your drive. As best as I can tell that's when the deal becomes the drive and the appeal just becomes the next thing that will "make" you happy and content. Sadly, that isn't the deal in life. I'll close with this warning from Paul to his fellow missionary Timothy, "For we brought nothing into the world, and we can take nothing out of it. But if we have food and clothing, we will be content with that. People who want to get rich fall into temptation and a trap and into many foolish and harmful desires that plunge men into ruin and destruction. For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Some people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs." I Timothy 6:7-10. Basically, if you can't be happy with what God gave you then be prepared for a long, hard haul in life!

Coach Carter

Sunday, March 14, 2021

Purpose, Sacrifice, and Legacy


Last week, our message centered around the idea of as long as you are still breathing God isn't done with you. You have a purpose and as long as you are still here on this earth you should be working to fulfill that purpose. At the time I wrote that particular post, I had no idea that the message of embracing your purpose would fit so aptly in a volleyball practice with my travel volleyball 13U team. Thus, today's message of "Purpose, Sacrifice, and Legacy". Enjoy. 

It had been a hard weekend of volleyball, some really tough losses, and a couple of complete breakdowns, yet as the tournament was winding down our team had really stepped up their game and it appeared we were headed for a strong finish on the day. At the point in the tournament that we were, it was in place that we would be finishing with two matches regardless of whether we won the first one or not. The competition was strong, and as I already mentioned we were playing some really good ball ourselves. Emotional as much as a physical endeavor, we took the match to the limit, winning grueling long volleys and scooping up balls that nobody would have imagined could have been saved. It appeared we were on track to win, but at the end of the match we came up short and then immediately on to our final match of the day we went.

The last set had been an emotional rollercoaster as noted above, so when we immediately stepped back on the court for our last match of the day, my concern was whether our team would be able to pick themselves up and squeeze out one last dose of hard work and relentless effort. Unfortunately, we didn't. That hurt. After three decades of coaching I have worked with thousands of athletes and if nothing else is accomplished I have always wanted them to grow internally as much as athletically. The grit, resilience, and tenacity of never giving up and never quitting is a critical quality for life more so than anything I could ever hope to teach them about volleyball, yet volleyball or any other athletic competition are some of the best platforms to reinforce those powerful skills!

The girls were disappointed, parents were disappointed, and both coaches were deflated by what we had just watched. So, as the old saying goes "When life hands you lemons, you go make some lemonade!" As is our regimen after each tournament we always meet at our next scheduled practice to review our performance and map out the goals for the upcoming weeks of practice. The focal point of this particular tournament review was three life altering words, purpose, sacrifice, and legacy.

You see I believe we all have a purpose. We all have multiple purposes, we just don't fulfill one purpose in life then we're done. Instead, our purpose in life can change from one day to the next and it can also endure throughout a lifetime of hard work and dedication. The challenge is to realize that you have to give your A-game every time you step on the court of life in fulfilling your purpose. As I shared with the players on our team, you don't always know what your purpose is, but you have to always give everything you've got because somebody may be watching you that is prepared to give up on life, a relationship, or a goal that may seem too far out to obtain. If they see you giving up and laying down, then your purpose was not fulfilled. They may leave that moment thinking I'm just like that team of girls, the going gets tough and I'd rather just lay down and quit. That is not acceptable. When things get tough, we must be willing to sacrifice the easy way out and accept the attitude that no matter what the circumstances I am going to hold on to faith and trust that whatever God has planned for me is bigger than I am and whatever He wants me to do I'm going to do it with every ounce of energy left in my body! For me the definition of sacrifice is doing whatever it takes to reach a goal regardless of how I personally feel about the situation at that exact moment. This last match of the day we "played", and I use that word loosely, didn't have an iota of significance on how we would place in the tournament. We had already sealed that fate; this particular match was basically practice. But, oh how we practiced! We, as a team, couldn't claim the letter "s" in the word sacrifice, let alone the full term nor its meaning. 

Which brings me to the final term from today's trio, legacy. Siblings were present, spectators were spectating, and other teams were waiting in the wings, my question to our team was what impression did they think they left with all of those in attendance at our court? Most definitely not the one that any of us would have wanted to have representing us as we left that gym. That lasting impression, the very notion of who you are being represented by what you do and how you carry yourself makes for a legacy that will impact the lives of all those watching us as they witnessed how we handled adversity and a challenging situation. Our lives are not really about us, our lives are about how many people we can have a positive impact on during the time we have been given to impact those very lives. You may not play volleyball or any other sport for that matter, yet each day you face challenges, you deal with adversity, and most likely you encounter defeat and losses along the way. How you handle those life events is part of your purpose in the life you have been given. Giving your all, hustling even when it appears that you have lost, and understanding that someone is watching you to see how you handle a devastating situation is all part of the legacy you will leave behind with that someone who is watching. 

I am so proud of our Genesis 13 and under volleyball team. They have so much athleticism, their personalities shine every time we are together, and they are ever quick to encourage and complement each other when they do something notable on the court. That is why I can't fail them by not demonstrating by my example that we can't take a day off or even a match off from giving our best. "Today is the day that the Lord hath made I will rejoice and be glad in it!" Psalm 118:24 resonated as our chat came to a close, and a last thought that I would share with any and all is this: "And whatever you do or say, do it as a representative of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks through him to God the Father. “Colossians 3:17. Whether you are playing volleyball or if you are dealing with a life altering event, keep your head up and give it all you got. Your purpose is yet to be fulfilled, and the sacrifice you make to march forward facing your adversity will solidify your legacy for your family, your friends, and possibly even that spectator in the stands!

Coach Carter

Saturday, March 6, 2021

"If I'm Not Dead, You're Not Done"

The band Elevation Worship has a song out that proclaims "If I'm not dead, You're not done, greater things are still to come, Oh I believe!". As I listen to those words of faith being sung, I have no other choice but to get pumped up and ready to hit the ground running!

The faith proclaimed in this statement is profound. Basically, as long as I have breath inside this body I have been given, there must still be something that God wants me to accomplish in His name. My situation in life may tell me that I am hopeless, that I am sliding down a mountain getting ready to plunge into a deep crevice, but God isn't done with me until I take that last breath and my heart beats its last beat. 

Viktor Frankl, the famed philosopher and survivor of the Nazi concentration camps, shared his experiences and understanding of those experiences in his book "Man's Search for Meaning". In his memoir, he told of how men lost all hope during the torture, starvation, and cruelty that was their daily life as a prisoner in those death camps. At the moment hope was lost a man would just stop living, literally just quit. Nothing else to live for worth living for. No hope, no chance, no thoughts of maybe just maybe, nothing left. Frankl survived because he held firm to the belief that as long as God made it possible for him to live one more day, then God must still have something He wanted Frankl to accomplish for Him, "If I'm not dead then You're not done with me yet”, kind of thinking. That is the message I wish to impart to you today.

It doesn't really matter what you are going through, God has a plan for your life and it is your job to live it out and fulfill your purpose. The hole you are in may be so deep that you couldn't see the light of day if you had a telescope, but you still have to keep holding on to the understanding that God's plans are not like ours. We can't see, even with a telescope, the master plan of our life. Wouldn't that be nice, we get in a bind and all we have to do is look at the master plan and turn to the what's next page and see how it all turns out. Sorry, that would make it all too simple. The grit, the resilience, the strength that is gained through trusting and believing is what creates the faith in what we can't see, but what we know is there. "Now faith means putting our full confidence in the things we hope for, it means being certain of things we cannot see" Hebrews 11:1 

As we develop this trusting faith in things that are so much bigger than us, then we will develop the conviction that God has a plan for our lives and it is our job to live that life and seek His will as long as we are breathing. Earlier I said it doesn't matter what you are going through. That wasn't said to sound non-chalant about things you are facing in your life. Instead it is a statement of faith that I have to hold firm to or else I might start questioning God's wisdom and the master design of life. I can't say why, and I certainly can't answer your question of why. All I can say is there is a purpose for your life and anything, I mean anything, you are going through can and will impact a life or even a multitude of lives. Maybe yours, maybe someone else, but you have a purpose to fulfill! 

Trusting that truth, firming up your faith, believing when it would be so easy to doubt is not easy. The world told Job that all of his torment was due to something bad that he had done and now he was being punished. Job wouldn't fall for that. He would not curse God when everything had been taken from him right down to his own health. He stayed the course believing that God wasn't done with him yet because he was still breathing. My prayer for you today is that you will hold on when it doesn't feel like there is anything to hold on to. When we keep holding on, we develop our resolve which tells us that God isn't done with me yet! Keep holding on, pray, and believe!

Coach Carter