Sunday, February 28, 2021

Insurance or Assurance


Let's start out today with a little quiz. I'll give you a slogan and you think of the company name associated with the phrase. Here we go. 1. "The good hands people" 2. "Just like a good neighbor" 3. "Navigating life together" 4. "We've got you under our wing" 5. "Give your child an advantage for life". I'm guessing those may have gotten a little harder as we progressed, yet if you get any exposure at all to television or radio broadcasting I imagine you have heard many of these hundreds or thousands of times over the years. So not to leave you wondering how you fared on the quiz, here are the insurance company names that have the above listed taglines. 1. All State, 2. State Farm, 3. Met Life, 4. AFLAC, and 5. Gerber Life Insurance. 

So, what is it with our obsession with life insurance? We certainly understand that life has a beginning and life, as we know it, has an end mark as well. What then is the goal of insurance? Well probably some of the top reasons to have adequate insurance coverage would center around protection from a tragic life event to providing security for your loved ones after we are gone. We insure our homes, our cars, our boats, and our RVs. Term life, whole life, and universal life insurance policies allow us to provide for our families even after we are gone. The key to insurance is that you invest in it now and then when you need it the investment plus the increased value of making that investment will provide larger dividends to the beneficiary. That sounds like a sound and logical plan for financial security, yet what type of investment are you making into your "life assurance" policy?

Insurance companies promise that when you have an accident or "claim" they will be right there ready to support you and provide the necessary means to get you back on your feet again. We buy insurance because we can never be certain about what might happen tomorrow and we want to have the "assurance" that everything will be okay as long as we have enough "insurance". Yet if you read your life insurance or auto insurance policies a little more carefully, you'll see that all of your policies have limits on how much "insurance coverage" you actually have. That exposure leads many people to continue to purchase additional policies such as extended coverage or annuities and stocks with the hope of having enough coverage. We certainly do not want to be left unprepared for life's unexpected twists and turns. Our insurance policies cover us to the extent of the investment we make into them, our life assurance policy works in a similar fashion, but there are no limits on the coverage for this plan if only we trust and believe.

May I provide you with one simple life assurance? God loves you. He loves us so much that He gave us a life assurance that will forever out perform any insurance policy you can find. Mankind was lost, the path to redemption was marred in sacrifices and rituals that had taken the place of faith and trust in God. So, what did God do? He sent His son to become a living sacrifice for our sins. Jesus died on the cross as a promise of life "assurance", if only we believe in Him, trust in Him, and follow Him. God's slogan for this promise of life assurance would best be summed up in this scripture "For God so loved the world that He gave his only son, that whosoever believeth in Him will not perish, but will have eternal life." John 3:16. Have you found an insurance policy that makes that level of commitment to you or your family? My guess would be no. 

Insurance covers you to the limit of how much you invest in the coverage. Assurance works similar in that the investment into the lives of others you make assures you that you will receive His offer of life eternal and that your example of giving will perpetually go forward "assuring" eternal and internal dividends. The difference is the price for life "assurance" has already been paid! You need only to accept His offer, believe He is who He says He is, and submit to Him. From there we invest our time, assets, talents, and service to the cause of following God so that others can benefit from our investment. 

I don't see insurance companies offering to pay your premiums each month. Their plan is that they invest your premiums into investments that will benefit them through profits and stock values. In contrast, your investment into God's offer of life "assurance" is that when you invest others benefit for free just like your initial commitment. If you are investing in your life "assurance" policy you know the comfort and peace that I am talking about today. If you have spent all your time, effort, and money on investing in life "insurance" policies then you may or may not have found the peace that God's offer provides. Don't forgo your life insurance policies, but do invest more into your life "assurance" policy for eternity! 

I thank God for His assurance of life eternal and the promises He gives us, "As I was with Moses, so I will be with you; I will never leave you nor forsake you." Joshua 1:5 and from the mouth of Jesus, "And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am." John 14:3. Invest in His life assurance and you will forever be in "good hands". 

Today, Tomorrow, and Forever God's "Life Assurance Agent"

Coach Carter

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