Sunday, December 13, 2020

Day 2133


I've been on a 30-day challenge for a while now, and each morning for the past 2137 days I have logged the days of my challenge as I go. Well on day 2133 this week, I suddenly paused and contemplated for a minute about the uniqueness of this particular day. As I entered my prayer time, I asked God to not let me take for granted this day that had been given to me. I'd like to share an excerpt from that prayer with you for our Flat Tire moment today:

"Lord, as I wrote down "Day 2133" a thought ran across my mind, "Do I take for granted that tomorrow will be "Day 2134" and the next "Day 2135"? Or, do I just say tomorrow will be and then go on? Do I write today's "Day 2133" and then not give thought to how unique this day is, how blessed I am to have this day? Father the uniqueness of today is that it has never happened before, and most importantly it will never happen again. What do I need to do today Lord that will allow me to serve you and give this day you have given me purpose? You call us to serve you today not on Sunday and then hang that hat on the wall until next Sunday. No, instead you call us to serve you today, the day that we have been given, "Today is the day that the Lord hath made I will rejoice and be glad in it" (Psalm 118:24) If I am truly glad in it then let me show that gladness, let others hear it in my voice and more so in my actions. May I step up, step out, and do something today!... Amen"

The crisis of the global Coronavirus pandemic is real, children go to bed at night cold and hungry, those who have thoughts of harming themselves or act on those thoughts are on the rise, the drug epidemic is as much of a pandemic if not more than COVID-19, and one out of two marriages are ending in divorce. That is just a sampling of the myriad issues and concerns that are running rampant in our communities, cities, states, and around the world. Pick you place and make a mark. 

Our superintendent of schools is giving a drink tumbler to all employees in our school district this Christmas. Inscribed on the tumbler is this fitting quote from Esther 4:14 "Perhaps you were born for such a time as this." Perhaps I was born to do something on "Day 2133"? Perhaps YOU were born to do something today that needs to be done? Perhaps you are the one that has an answer to one of the countless problems and issues that are facing our students, our parents, our co-workers, or our neighbors. The apostle Paul encourages us to "Bear ye one another's burdens", and the prophet Isaiah shared his declaration of service over self with this reply to our Savior, "Who should I send as a messenger to my people? Who will go for us?" And I said, "Lord, I'll go! Send me." Isaiah 6:8. 

Each day is unique, this past Monday was day 2133 of a challenge that started almost six years ago, yet I am not promised tomorrow, I have been given today, so today is when I have to step up, step out, and do something about whatever it is you and I were individually created to do. You won't realize what that something is if you don't set out to find it. You won't make the difference you were created to make if you don't step out today. Someone's life, may depend on you taking that first step today. Today hasn't happened until you live it, and tomorrow isn't guaranteed to any of us, so I challenge you today to realize that YOU were made for such a unique day as this, live it well, live it out!

Coach Carter


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