Sunday, August 9, 2020

Ink Pens and French Horns

 Before you ask, yes there is a connection between ink pens and french horns. As I sat down to spend some time with our Creator this morning I started thinking about how lucky I am that God has used me to write this weekly message and how I don't ever want to take that for granted. To imagine that I would be able to do this on my own or that somehow I am totally responsible for the messages that I get to share would be ludicrous at best. The only thing that I do get to take credit for is that I faithfully take advantage of every thought that passes through my head and contemplate on how that could be used for an encouraging thought that might make someone's day a little brighter. 

Many times ideas for future Flat Tire Thoughts come in a little event or experience, other times through prayer and meditation, and sometimes it feels like God's spirit whispers a thought in my ear. Blessed and humbled I am. Yet all of that means nothing if I don't sit down and start punching the keys on the old Apple. It's kinda like the ink pen in today's title. The pen cartridge gets filled with ink and then it is ready to write, but if we don't pick that pen up and engage it's point with some paper then what good is a pen? You can't really use it for much else, it isn't sturdy enough to use as an implement for work, and it sure doesn't have to many other applications in usage that I can conjure. Pens were made to be used to write. Then take the second object from our title, in much the same way a french horn is forged to deliver a deep melodious sound that soothes the mind and relaxes the body with its harmonious baritone song. That doesn't happen if someone doesn't pick the horn up and apply some oxygen and skill to the brass object. Without some application, a french horn is about as useful as a huge paperweight sitting on your desk. Image that one. We can talk ink pens, paint brushes, french horns, or any other instrument of purpose and the rule still will remain, the object is only as beneficial as the amount it is being used for its intended purpose. 

  Isn't that the way it is with people as well? Think about yourself in the same way we just discussed the ink pen. We are filled, poured into by God, given a gift in some area of life. Don't sit there and say you don't have any gifts, you were created by the God who makes no mistakes and He most certainly isn't going to start with you. You were created for a purpose, you have a gift, some multiple gifts, and now it is your job to find an area to serve and utilize what you have been given. Paul wrote in Ephesians 2:10 "For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand so that we would walk in them." You were created to serve, you were given talents that no one else can duplicate, and you were predestined to use that talent or skill to the utmost of your abilities within the time that God gives us to live on this third rock from the sun. The matter is this, God also gave you the ability to choose to use that talent, or in the adverse you have the free will to choose not to use what the good Lord gave you.

Choice, the ability to decide to participate or to choose not to take action on a matter. Decent definition, not Webster, that one’s more of a Carter creation. If a pen isn't picked up and used the ink dries up and eventually misses out on writing the message it was created to compose. If a french horn isn't picked up and played regularly, the pedals will get stiff and without lubrication eventually the instrument will freeze up and not be able to properly share its music. You may be a writer, a singer, a servant, a preacher, a teacher, or you may just be a great listener, whatever your gift is trust me you have something to give and share. We were made to serve. You have a purpose just like an ink pen. 

I have a drawer full of pens laying around inside my desk, if I don't pick each one of those pens up and use it for what it was created, then some of those pens will never be used for what they were designed to do. Maybe one of those pens holds the words to the next great top 100 song. Possibly, that pen could have a message to share that will save someone from ending their life? Maybe, just maybe, that pen contains the words that can help settle the unrest in our communities and across our great nation. But, if that pen doesn't get used for what it was created, that message may never be shared. 

You are that pen, you are that french horn, you have a purpose designed specifically for you and it is your responsibility to go out and use what God has given you for his kingdom’s benefit. Again, the Apostle Paul encourages us with this challenge in Colossians 3:17 "And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him." Whatever. Whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God. Service isn't about you. The pen doesn't exist for my benefit, the pen is my instrument by which I can share God's gift to me with you. The musician benefits from playing the french horn, but ultimately the horn wasn't created for the benefit of the player, it was created for those listening to the notes being played by the musician. Sing your song, work hard with all you got, or stand up and speak out against injustice or abuse. Pick someone up off the ground, find a place to pour into, or step up and step out where you are needed in support. Someone reading this has the gift of intercession. Please pray for me, pray for your neighbor, your child, our community, and our country. While you are at it how about saying one for this whole world. You have a gift, use it, be the pen!

Coach Carter


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