Sunday, June 14, 2020

Here Am I

     "Whom shall I send, and who shall go for us?" Then I said,"Here am I; send me."  Isaiah 6:8. God was looking for someone to step up and Isaiah stepped out and said "Here am I" Each day God is looking for someone to step out and fulfill the purpose for which they were created. Many of us will say "Here I am", yet there is a vast sea of difference in the declaration of these two interchanged phrases.
      Bottom of the ninth, bases loaded, two outs, behind three runs, and the coach is looking down the bench to see who he is going to put in to bat. As if that wouldn't be stressful enough, the chosen batter will be facing what many would call a giant in the ranks of closing pitchers. One ball, one strike, another strike, then two more balls. Full count, bottom of the ninth, two outs, down three runs, one pitch remains, a swing and a miss, game over and the team loses the World Series, swing and a home run and your team wins the World Series. Volunteers? Looking down the bench the coach would see some players sitting back hoping to be blocked by the player's head sitting beside them. Others shuffle with their cleats in the dirt looking down as if to say "please don't pick me." Others are there, in the game ready if the coach calls on them some even making eye contact as if to say "Here I am if you need me to go in to bat".  But then there is that one person, the one that if it were possible you could see his heart pounding out of his chest as he stands up and proclaims "Here am I, put me in, I can do it, I will do it, put me in coach, give me the bat, and let me go to work!" Is that you? Are you shirking what you were called to do in this life you have been given, or are you ready to go in the game, or are you the one that is going to go into the game and swing for the fences?  It may not be the bottom of the ninth, but each day we have opportunities to step up to the plate, are we denying those chances by saying the obvious "Here I am" or are we prepared to call out to God and say "Here am I" God; use me!
     You know who came to mind when I was mulling today's message? The shepherd boy David as he stepped up to the plate to face the warrior giant Goliath. The challenge had been made and King Saul needed a batter to step up to the plate. As Saul looked down the bench I'm sure he encountered those that were looking the other way or crouching down in the ranks hoping that their names would not be called. There were those in service that stood there, chest protruding ready to go if King Saul called on them, but still yet they were standing there waiting on the king to pick them. Then this ruddy kid stepped out from behind the rank and file and said "HERE AM I; send me!" David was probably the least likely in the crowd to have a chance to defeat the daunting giant in front of them, but David was exactly the one that was predestined to not only do battle with Goliath, David was the one that would hit the grand slam home run and slay Goliath with a slingshot and a stone! If you are the one that is supposed to go to bat it doesn't matter if you come with a toothpick to bat, you will send it to the bleachers!
     So, what's the big deal with saying "Here am I" as opposed to the more familiar phrase "Here I am" you may be asking? Here I am is obviously an offer to be used. It even resonates of a volunteer, much like the nickname the state of Tennessee has earned being named the "Volunteer" state. It's great to be a volunteer both figuratively and literally, but it just doesn't end with saying you are available. The whole "volunteer state" thing dates back to the 1800's when Davy Crockett and some other Tennesseans volunteered to fight along Texans as they battled the Mexican army for independence. It would have been one thing for Davy to have said I'll go down to Texas if they need me, just let them call and I'll pack up and go". It was another to see the need, feel the pain of the situation, and head that way without being asked to go.
      That is where the difference lies between the two phrases.  "Here am I" isn't necessarily common in our conversations today, nor does it have to be. Here am I is a mindset. Where "Here I am" says I'll go if you need me just let me know, "Here am I" is a total submission to God without placing self in the equation. "I'm here if you need me" places you at the center of the equation saying I've got a lot to do today, but I'll go if you need me. When Isaiah answered the call to, "Whom shall I send, and who shall go for us?", it wasn't an if you need me call me type response, it was "Here am I" totally submitted to God for His use of whatever he had to offer.
     At the beginning of today's message, I stated that each day we are presented with chances to step up to the plate and take a swing, I challenge you to say "God here am I; send me." On the job, send me, as you are walking down the street, send me, in your school, at your church, in your circles of family or friends, send me. Being willing to be used is one thing, stepping up and swinging the bat is the essence of saying "Here am I".
Swinging for the fence and facing giants every day!
Coach Carter

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