Sunday, January 12, 2020

Johnny Appleseed and Me

American Folklore hero Johnny Appleseed traveled around the Mid-West section of the United States planting apple seeds all along his journey. Appleseed, a.k.a. John Chapman, had a plan to plant seeds wherever his journey traversed, in hopes that his efforts would eventually bring forth fruit producing apple trees that would provide apples to hundreds and thousands of people many years after his barefooted quest ended. What vision Old Johnny must have had. To envision field after field of fruit bearing trees producing a harvest that would benefit so many others. Amazing to have a plan that would provide sustainability to others even if he himself was not physically present to be a part of that effort. Quite the planter of dreams in my opinion. More than that he planted hope, Appleseed didn't know whether those seeds would grow or not, but that didn't stop Johnny from traveling hundreds of miles barefoot planting those seeds all along the way. Johnny trusted that the course of nature would take care of the seeds if he would do his part in assuring that the seeds got spread. Finally, it is important to note that Chapman very likely never saw the extent of the "fruits" of his labor. At best, a seed sprout needs 8 to 10 years before it becomes a fruit bearing tree, so with the years of travel and the stage of life of Chapman during his quest he possibly ate very few apples his work inspired. I believe that is the point we need to embrace from the life of the legendary Johnny Appleseed. Although he knew that more than likely he might never see actual apples on the limbs of the trees he planted, he did not hesitate to continue planting those seeds. He believed, no he trusted, that the seeds he planted would eventually produce fruit and thus provide food for others that he may never meet and for years to come that he may never see. The question begs itself, "What type of seeds are you planting today, and what type of fruit will those seeds bear long after you are gone?"
     When you wake in the morning and as you and your family prepare to start their day, you plant seeds. You either plant seeds of encouragement or it is possible that you could be planting seeds of defeat. Positivity will bear the fruit of a positive mindset in others. You can't nurture a positive mindset with a defeated attitude even before the day begins. "I get to go to work today", as opposed to, "I have to work today" is a seed. You may be saying come on "I get to go to work?" really who wants to go to work? Trust me, if you were unable to get out of bed due to some health or medical issue and thus unable to go to work, let alone move about independently, you would probably become very enthused about the opportunity to go to work. Be thankful you have the health, the intelligence God gave you, and the skill set required to do the job you do and go at it with the attitude that all you do is done for the Lord not for man. (Colossians 3:23) Plant a positive mindset seed. Inspiration, hope, compassion, empathy, perseverance each time you enter a room before you exit you will plant a seed. That's something to be mindful of, you don't just walk into a room and then walk out without having an impact on that room. You can either come in and say or do something that will make someone else in that room feel a warm glow inside that they may not even associate with you, or you can leave the room and that same person say to themselves, "Man I'm glad he/she's gone!" Don't think you can get off the hook here by saying, I'll just keep to myself and walk in that room and then walk out, no remarks from either end of the spectrum, no smiles or frowns, I'll just do my job and nobody can point a finger at me. Guess what, if Johnny Appleseed had decided to not plant apple seeds along his journey he would have just been going for a walk. No footprint that lasted, no legacy of hope for those that traveled after him, and no impact on the sustainability of life that we are each charged with making during our time on this planet!
      Face it, you will plant seeds of some type each day you live. The question is what types of seeds will you plant and to what extent will your labor impact others? It is our responsibility to plant seeds that can be nurtured and eventually produce the fruit. God doesn't ask us to do the full job of developing those seeds, He just wants us to plant the seed, He will provide the positive outcome. Paul reinforces this concept in I Corinthians 3:6 "I have planted, Apollos watered; but God gave the increase." When you wake to start your day plant seeds of encouragement, as you make your way up to the drive-thru window compliment the attendant on a job well done, when you enter the room at work or at school lift someone up with a positive outlook for the day, instill hope, display courage, and always plant the seed of love for your fellow man. You plant the seeds, God will provide the apples.
Coach Carter

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