Sunday, December 29, 2019

Instruction Manual for Leaf Blowing

     One of the good things about being an educator is Christmas break. Time to relax, recharge, and reunite with family and friends is much more attainable when you have a week or two off around the holidays. That being said one of the not so good things about being an educator is the breaks that you receive, because most of us spend a great deal of said "break" getting caught up on work around the house and yard. Don't get me wrong, I certainly do appreciate the time off, but man, most of the time I feel like I need to get back to work so I can get a little bit of rest!
     Due to the unseasonably warm weather we have been experiencing in our area, the leaves hung on to the branches a little longer than usual and I found myself up on the roof and out in the yard blowing the leafs into piles and rows during this year’s winter break. Most of the time when I am doing a job like this that doesn't require a great deal of focus or attention to detail my mind tends to wander and I do some of my best brainstorming for projects and plans. This particular winter, fall like, day was no different as my mind drifted off in thought about the possibility of a leaf blowing instruction manual. Is there such a document I asked myself? What would it include? How would it be accurate, due to the fact that every yard is shaped differently, some on a hillside, some flat, some small, some extremely large, some with maple trees, and some with oaks, poplar, or maybe even just a small pair of ornamental dogwood trees. A generic handbook on how to blow leaves effectively and efficiently would be a pretty broad topic to cover. (See what I mean about my mind wandering?)
      Armed with that bit of useless information, my mind drifted on down the line to a much more valuable nugget of information. A leaf blowing instruction manual probably wouldn't make the best seller list, one because it would be rather boring, and two because everyone's yard is different and what works for me in the forest I call home, probably wouldn't be so effective a strategy for those that maybe just deal with one of two small trees in the front yard of their home. That being said, we do have an instructional handbook that guides us each day, answers our FAQs, and is infallible whether you live in Tennessee of Timbuktu! The apostle Paul assures us that the Holy Bible is a sure guide with this promise in II Timothy 3:16,"All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives. It corrects us when we are wrong and teaches us to do what is right." When we aren't sure about how to conduct ourselves, or even better yet, to guide us each day in our business dealings, people dealings, or life situations along this journey we are all embarking turn to God’s instruction manual. Unlike my concocted "Leaf Blowing Guide for Beginners", the Bible serves as a direct line of communication from our Creator to each of us if only we will spend time in the Word and then mediate and apply the principles and lessons provided. You can rest assured that for any situation, question, or trial you have, are currently in, or will encounter going forward your life's instructional manual has the answers inside. Seek them. 
     As we enter the new year this week and we all make those New Year resolutions that are laced with good intentions, but not sewn with strong commitments, resolve to turn to "Life's Instruction Manual" and apply the principles, commands, and laws that it so readily provides. Who knows, you may even find some guidance on how to blow the leaves from your yard! Proverbs 14:23.
Coach Carter

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