Saturday, November 23, 2019

"Try It, You Might Just Like It"

     This week families will gather around tables filled with turkey, ham, dressing, potatoes, gravy, and a plethora of other vegetables and of course their favorite desserts as well. I faintly remember as a child that some of those dishes just didn't really appeal to me and I would slide right by those as I made my way down the buffet style table. Today I don't experience that issue in the least, I love to try new foods and in many cases I'm asking for recipes so I can duplicate them in the future for family and friends. But as a child my memory serves me well, maybe because I've encountered the same experience with our own children, I was the kid that liked cheeseburgers, hot dogs, and pizza and the green stuff or any other bright red, orange, or mixed colors usually triggered a snarled nose and an emphatic "No thanks" when offered this fare. As I did with my children, my mother would systematically make her plead, "Chuck, just try one bite you might just like it" to which I would reluctantly open my mouth, pursed lipped, and take what would have amounted to a "nibble". In most cases my mother was right, of course, so I would end up adding a serving to my plate. As I grew older and my taste-buds matured I don't seem to have that problem anymore. If anything, I have to watch my plate to make sure I don't end up with an extra one! 
      Our walk of faith could be compared to this same mentality of "Try it you might just like it". Regardless of where you are currently on the faith spectrum, taking just a small bite could be the difference maker in your perspective on life. David was a man after God's own heart. From giant slayer, to refugee on the run, to King of Israel, David's faith ran a wide spectrum of reliance on God. In Psalm 34:8 King David proclaims, "Taste and see that the LORD is good. Oh, the joys of those who take refuge in him!" Just take a bite David seems to be saying, give God a chance in your life's ups and downs. Some of us have a relationship with God established, but when it comes to life's challenges and struggles are you relying on Him for your strength and encouragement? Take a bite. When life gets tough, I mean really tough, do you give God your problems or are you going it alone? Try a bite. For those that don't have a relationship with Him, life is tough going it alone, my advice would be to try just a bite, you might find that you like it and you really needed it!
      As you sit down to eat your turkey and dressing this Thanksgiving, be sure to take the time to give thanks first. Give thanks for the relationship you have! If you don't have a personal relationship you can start one today, "try it, you might just like it!" 
Happy Thanksgiving every day!

Coach Carter

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