Saturday, September 7, 2019

Que Sera, Sera

     Doris Day took the song "Que Sera, Sera" to the top of the billboard charts back in the mid 1950's and then used the song as her network show's theme song in the late 60's and early 70's. The title translates as "whatever will be, will be" and the lyrics take a small child through adulthood asking their mother what is tomorrow going to be like and what will I be when I grow up, to which the mother replies "Que sera, sera, whatever will be, will be" and then follows with "the future's not ours to see Que sera, sera." Therein lies a great deal of wisdom being handed down to the young daughter, if we are going to spend all of our time worrying about tomorrow we will never truly get to enjoy today.
      I don't think it is wise to live each day so vicariously that we aren't making preparations for our future, yet preparing for tomorrow as opposed to worrying about tomorrow are two completely different items on the spectrum of living today to its fullest. So many times we use up the joys that are the gift of today by worrying about the matters of tomorrow that may or may not ever transpire. A great example of this is found in a quote by Corrie Ten Boom a Holocaust survivor that went on to write, encourage, and share her experiences with thousands upon thousands of people young and old. Her encouraging warning was, "Worry does not empty tomorrow of its sorrow. It empties today of its strength." In other words today is the day we have been given to live, why let the things that may or may not ever happen tomorrow steal away the joy of the gift of today?
     You may be reading this and thinking, "yea, but my troubles won't be gone tomorrow regardless of what I do today" due to medical, financial, or other personal matters your situations are not just going to magically disappear overnight. That may be true, but what if tomorrow never comes? What if we spend today worrying about how we are going to make it through the next day, the next week, month, year, or the rest of our lives with this issue, and then tomorrow for whatever reason never happens. Did we spend today getting the most out of it and enjoying the day that is ours to appreciate and enjoy?
     Corrie Ten Boom learned through her experiences that life today is a gift and it can be stolen only if we allow it to be. Living under the constant, daily threat of the Nazi terror, it would have been very easy to shut down and just give up, yet Boom found strength in focusing on the day that she had been giving and making the most out of that day, just in case she did not have a tomorrow. We can spend our days worrying and complaining about our lives and all the complications and issues that we are facing, or as Ms. Boom did, we can make the most of the day that we have been given and let tomorrow's worries take care of themselves tomorrow. Que sera, sera.
      During His time here on earth Jesus taught pretty much the same message to His disciples and to us today, "Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." Matthew 6:34. In His directive to not be worrying about tomorrow he tags the comment, "each day has enough trouble of its own." I don't believe this is a message of doom and gloom that life is a bowl full of cherry pits, but instead I take the message away that there are so many opportunities to go out and help somebody else today that we sure shouldn't be worrying about what lies in front of our own lives tomorrow. We can sit around complaining and fussing about our situations and circumstances or we can place those behind us because those are what they are, and then put our time and efforts into helping others that have needs bigger and more significant than our own. 
     As we conclude today's thought to ponder, keep this in mind, our time on this earth is not infinite, there is a beginning and there will be an end, but what we do with that time can either be productive and beneficial to others, or we can sit around and mope and complain about what our circumstances in life are and never do anything that leaves this world a better place than what is was when it was given to us. All I can say is I may not know what tomorrow holds, but I do know who holds tomorrow! I choose to live today and let tomorrow bring what it will. Que sera, sera, whatever will be, will be!
Go out and make a difference today!
Coach Carter

Worry does not empty tomorrow of its sorrow. It empties today of its strength.

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