Sunday, April 28, 2019

Start Small

Today's title for our Flat Tire Ministries Thought is more of a suggestion than it is a title. Whatever you endeavor to accomplish I have found that probably the best policy to follow is just that, "Start Small". This has been a life lesson for me in some instances and in others more of an "Aha" moment. Regardless of the situation or eventual outcome this two word piece of advice is one that can guide you and potentially save you a great deal of hardship (personal point taken) along the way.
     Almost ten years ago I had an opportunity to take that piece of advice from my very own daughter, but unfortunately, being the seasoned businessman that I was, I thought with my experience and success I couldn't possibly take advice from my then 20 year- old sage. Our story is probably one for another day, but it will suffice to say that my idea of opening a full-scale restaurant in a big way didn't work out the way I envisioned it and Rae's stinging advice to start out small resonated well throughout this last decade. I failed to look back at our success in our market/deli and how it all started with a steam hot dog machine, a small pot for chili, and a stalk of bologna with sandwich bread. That simple beginning morphed over time to eventually become a full- scale deli with a flat top grill, hood system, deep fryer, and several cooks and support staff. That all happened over a thirty- year period and the Dill Pickle Deli was created about 20 years into that time frame. We definitely followed the start small principle. With our Dill Pickle Cafe & Coffee Shop, the idea, concept, construction, opening, and eventual closing all took place in less than one year. Let me just say that business plan was one headed for failure before the concept hit the paper on which it was written.
     Fortunately for me and my family, I'm not one to give up nor am I one to quit so that chapter of my life has just served as motivation to keep on keeping on and striving to grow and thrive from that experience. Actually, that period of my life is where the idea of Flat Tire Ministries and my book "How to Fix a Flat Tire" were birthed. Alas, I digress!
     The principle of starting small isn't just a smart move in business, think of all the other areas of your life where starting out with baby steps makes a great deal of sense. Dieting is an area where going cold turkey on eating or crashing on a "lose 20 pounds in 20 days" diet sounds like an awesome offer, but as many of us could testify, most diets that make promises like that are short term in duration and flat lined in success rates. Exercising is another area to consider this advice. Day one run, walk, or crawl 10 miles and see how long you stay at that? Hit the gym and spend about an hour on multiple sets with 8 to 10 reps and in about three days not only will you be unable to move, but your desire to continue at that pace will make a fast exit out the gym door.
    The list goes on and on and the significance of this "start small" principle consistently applies and if followed could have a tremendous impact on your life. Relationships, purchases both small and major like a house, and even your walk of faith need to be seasoned with a certain amount of the start small philosophy. What does it mean to start small in the area of faith? Aren't we required to go all out and give up everything if we turn our lives over to God? Well that one on the surface is an easy one to provide an answer, but I would suggest we follow this rule of thumb in our walk with God as well.
      What does starting out small with God look like? The most critical aspect of our relationship with God is as simple as ABC. You must ACCEPT who God is. Our Creator and our Omnipotent Savior is a good reference point for this. Then we must BELIEVE that God allowed His Son Jesus to die for our sins. Once we have confirmed the first two then it is on us to CONFESS that we are sinners and we want to be forgiven of our sins. That is where it all begins. That is a small start to a big relationship that can only occur over a period of time spent in prayer, study, and an unrelenting pursuit of understanding what God's plan is for your life. Like I said that doesn't happen overnight and it sure doesn't magically appear when we complete the ABC steps listed above.
     I don't want to make simple the ABC's of starting small in our faith. Accepting, Believing, and Confessing are three huge steps that begin the process of living our lives for Christ, but just as with so many of the examples listed above, those that come in on a huge wave many times crash on the beach before they have mastered the art of surfing. I cannot think of any other matter that is more important and relevant to your daily walk of life. Heed the words of Paul in Romans 10:9-13
 If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved. As Scripture says, “Anyone who believes in him will never be put to shame.” For there is no difference between Jew and Gentile—the same Lord is Lord of all and richly blesses all who call on him, for, “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.”
Starting small may seem like a slow process to reach our goals in life, but by heeding that simple piece of advice and then being consistent and diligent in our pursuit of that goal we will not only increase our potential for success, but we will also become deeply and personally connected to the goal we so desire to reach!
Have an amazing week!
Coach Carter 

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