Sunday, March 24, 2019

"None so Blind..."

     I read a quote the other day which led me to a prayer that I am sharing today for our Flat Tire Ministries Thought for the Week. The quote attributed to John Heywood, 16th century English writer, reads, "There are none so blind as those who will not see". May we ask God to open the eyes of our heart and to move us towards love, empathy, and compassion for our fellow man. 

"Father God to have ears and not hear the cries of those that are hurting. To have eyes and not be able to see the violence and hatred that plagues our nation. To have the means to help and save, but not move to do anything that isn't centered on self. And most importantly, to have the answer to life's adversity, afflictions, trials, and tribulations, but to never share that message of hope is unforgivable. Father God as I read your warning to Ezekiel (Ezekiel 3:16-27) that if he did not warn the people about God's commands Ezekiel would be held responsible for their sin death, and all I could think is God we are Ezekiel today. Father I may have eyes that function properly, but if I can walk by a homeless man or woman on the streets of our cities and not be moved to action then I truly am blind. If I hear the ugliness of prejudice and racism and am not moved to stand up for what is taught in your word about loving thy neighbor as thyself then I am surely deaf, and if I do not become an advocate for those that need help I am illiterate as a man. Father may I not be a  disabled Christian. A paralytic may not be able to move their arms or legs, but they can still be the hands and feet of God. May I not be overthrown by apathy and a self-centered mindset. Father open my eyes, illuminate my path, and move me to action in service to You. Lord I do not want to be a paperweight rock holding down your truth. May I be wings to lift up those that are in need and a strong back to bear my fellow man's burden. Amen"

Have you chosen to be blind? Have your ears grown deaf? Will you not be God's hands and feet? There is a Great Physician that can give you 20/20 vision, that can open your ears to hear, and He can give you the ability to be His hands and feet on a daily basis. Be moved and then move!
 Coach Carter

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