Sunday, July 22, 2018

Run for Cover

Over the weekend our area has experienced some pretty intense storms filled with intermittent downpours and showers. Coupled with the rain we have also encountered significant thunderstorms which brought lightning, intense winds, and even some small hail storms. It's always interesting to watch how everyone runs for cover when it starts to storm. Lightning strikes, objects being hurled around in the wind, and the potential of getting hit in the head by ice balls creates a fast scramble to find a safe, dry refuge from the storm. It's a normal, human instinct to find shelter in a storm, and  when we reach cover most people breathe a sigh of relief and our fears tend to lessen as well as they probably should. We may run for refuge when the storm clouds grow black and the winds begin to blow, but what about the storms of life that we experience along our life's journeys?
      If what I stated is true about it being a natural instinct to find safety and shelter in a storm, then why is it that so many of us stand right out in the middle of life's storms never moving even an inch closer to the safest refuge available? It seems that a great many of us think we have to survive those storms on our own, like it is some sign of strength to endure life's storms by standing right in the middle of them alone. Disease, divorce, debt, drugs, depression, and even death quantify what I have labeled as the "Six Deadly D's" and in life when these types of storms hit you or your family you need a refuge in the midst of your storm. Where is that refuge? Where can you find comfort and shelter when it feels like the world around you is spinning out of control F5 tornado style? 
      I have found my safe place. I know where to turn when life's storms hit. I have found a strong fortress that provides me with a refuge in any situation regardless of the severity or intensity of the storm. The Deadly D's are not all encompassing, yet in life most of our storms are connected to one or a combination of a number of the "D's". You were not made to withstand these storms alone. Too many people feel abandoned and exposed in the midst of their storms. But it doesn't have to be that way. The refuge I have found is available to each of us, always available and always present. In Psalm 46:1 the writer enlightens us that "God is our refuge and strength an ever-present help in trouble." The author goes on to say that regardless of whether the earth is shaking, the waves are raging, or the mountains are falling into the sea, we will not be afraid! How is that possible? Is it possible that knowing that God is there will protect us from the damaging winds of drug addiction or a debilitating depression? Yes, it is not only possible, but it is 100% true. 
       To experience this type of help in life's storms it takes more than just running to Him when the storm clouds start to form. It's more of a trust that is founded in a relationship that is based on a faith that God is in control and regardless of the intensity of the storm, God is there with you and "He will never leave you nor forsake you." Deuteronomy 31:6. We can run to Him at any point in our life's storms, but when we turn to Him daily, when we don't have to run to Him because we are right there with Him, that is when He truly becomes our refuge in life's storms. We realize that we don't have to run for cover, because He is right there with us providing protection even when it feels like the storm may sweep us right off our feet! God is ever present, it is us that move away from Him or that have never placed our full trust and faith in Him. Later in the same Psalm as earlier referenced the writer sums it up best by saying "Be still and know that I am God" 46:10. Unless we fully trust and believe we will constantly attempt to find our own shelter in life's storms. Many times, one of the "D's" listed above lead us to turn to another one in our efforts to fix things on our own. Stop, be still, pray, and then listen. Your help is there, ever present, and always available.  
"Then a great and powerful wind tore the mountains apart and shattered the rocks before the Lord, but the Lord was not in the wind. After the wind there was an earthquake, but the Lord was not in the earthquake. After the earthquake came a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire. And after the fire came a gentle whisper." I Kings 19:11-12.
     It is my prayer today that each of you find your "cover" for life's storms. We were not created to live life on our own, we have a comforter and a protector that we can depend on in life's storms. If you do have that relationship I only pray that it will grow deeper, if not my prayer is that you will run to Him and stay beside Him from this day forward, He is refuge from the storm!

Coach Carter

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