Sunday, May 27, 2018

Every Coin Has Two Sides

     There have been times when I have sat down with a friend or acquaintance for a brief opportunity to catch up on their world only to be greeted with a laundry list of all the calamities and disappointments they currently dealing with, and how all of these events are dragging them down and hindering them from moving forward. Problem is, they are exactly right. Life is full of complexities, hardships, adversities, and unfortunately afflictions. Life can be pretty tough, right? I get it, but also who among us was ever told that life was going to be filled with gum drops and every day would be sunny and bright? You know, "Momma said there would be days like this". We all received those kinds of warnings from loved ones and mentors as we were growing up and spreading our wings. That doesn't necessarily make them easier to deal with though, because our complex situations are ours and in our mind they have to be the biggest, baddest set of circumstances known to man. "In our mind" is the key to today's Flat Tire thought. Just as the title suggests every coin has two sides and in life every situation has two sides. 
     Don't know if I have ever fully explained where the name "Flat Tire Ministries" came from and I won't digress to that one today, but let's just say it all started with a span of eight flat tires on my personal vehicle over a period of less than two years. That's a bunch of fix-a-flat purchases! (Really it was more busted knuckles and grimy, oily hands) But anyway, I gained so much from my "flat tire experience", my perseverance was enhanced, more grit was garnered, and my resiliency was ramped up! This ultimately inspired me to write my book, "How to Fix a Flat Tire". Now if I hadn't had those eight flat tires I more than likely would have never written a motivational book about fixing your life's flat tires without the experience I endured during that period of nails, screws, shards of metal, glass, and other impediments to my daily travel. It's safe to say that being a writer and actually writing a book was a "someday" goal for me and without the series of flat tires I may have never written my book. Not saying that I enjoyed even one of those flats. Hot weather, rainy weather, cold weather, late for meetings, or hindered from completing a journey flat tires are not a good thing. Yet at the end of the day, all of those flat tires embedded in me valuable lessons that have made me a better man, father, husband, and hopefully positive example for others in their quest to overcome life's flats. I guess it's safe to say that your perspective on any situation or circumstance will inevitably determine if you move forward a better person because of the circumstances in your life, or are you going to allow those same circumstances to be the anchor that sinks you deeper into an abyss of blame and self-denial?
     Flip a coin, it has two sides and there is a fifty/fifty chance that it will land on heads or tails. No that doesn't qualify me as a statistician or math genius, but it does give me fodder for my thought for the week. In life, you will encounter a hardship, or coin as our analogy provides. During that hardship, you make the 50/50 option, will you look at the positive side of things or will you point fingers and curse "Why does everything bad always happen to me????" We probably have a pretty good idea about how to look on the bad side of things, but how do you turn a flat tire into a positive moment when you are running late for work already and you haven't even stopped for that double mocha latte yet? Well your perspective is the key. I had a flat tire, but how fortunate I am to own a car, and how blessed I am to have a job that provides me with the resources that allow me to pay for that car. Regardless of the flat tire right now that car provides me with transportation to my work, it normally delivers my family to their destinations, and ultimately that vehicle serves as a conduit in allowing me to provide for my family. So, the flat tire is a bump in the road, boy am I glad I have a car that could possibly end up with a flat tire to begin this discussion. "The shingles on my roof were tore off in the storm the other night, know I have to spend the money I had been saving for a vacation. Why do bad things always happen to me?" Or is it possible to change that mindset to "The shingles were tore off of my roof in the storm the other night, but how thankful I am that no one was injured and how thankful I am to have a home that provides shelter from the elements, security, warmth, and peace to my family and self." Disease, financial challenges, relationships, and even death hit us personally and in our mind, it is the worst situation possible, but in every situation, it is always going to be a matter of looking at your condition through rose-colored glasses. You have a 50/50 choice, you get to make the decisions, nobody forces you to take a positive approach to life and nobody gets the credit or blame if you choose to be the Negative Nancy at every turn life throws out your way. 
     I love the apostle Paul's perspective when it comes to adversity and the choice to be content in that adversity, "... for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. Philippians 4:10-12. How is this possible, how can someone be content when he has nothing, literally? How can a person be thankful when he is hungry? How can we have a positive perspective on our situation when the world around us appears to be falling apart? Paul provides that answer in the next verse "I can do all this through him who gives me strength." Philippians 4:13. During life's storms being grounded in Christ allows us to withstand the storm and realize that the storms of life actually bring the nourishment that the soil requires to make plants grow. Those plants provide us with food and provide the animals we eventually benefit from with nourishment that keeps them healthy. Knowing God and placing our faith in Him assures us that whatever the circumstance we are currently experiencing will ultimately be played out for the benefit of someone, not necessarily self, but eventually it will benefit someone or a whole group of somebodies. That perspective is grounded in a faith that "all things work together for good" Romans 8:28. One thing you must come to terms with in your life is that your life is not about you. Implant the mindset that any adversity you encounter will only make you stronger so that you can share your experiences with those you will eventually mentor and influence.

     Just as easily as you toss a coin in the air to see whether it is going to land on heads or tails, you must make the choice of how you are going to respond to life's adversities and afflictions. It is certain you will face adversity, but the question today is will you dig a deeper hole of self-pity and blame-naming or will you grow from it and make sweet lemonade out of life's lemons? My comfort and strength is found in Christ, He strengthens me and gives me a purpose in the midst of the storm. My hopes and prayers are that you too will grow to trust Him and look to the positive side of the coin in life!

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