Sunday, April 29, 2018

"Whatever Your Hand Finds to Do"

In society, today the value of a hard day's work just doesn't seem to carry the same measure of merit that it did to previous generations. The creation of the computer and the advent of fully automated systems was designed to make life easier on mankind and allow us to experience more time to do things with our minds instead of our backs. In exchange, this new-found time would then allow men and women to use their minds to create new technology, medical advances, and even provide us with more time to spend with family and friends. Not so sure that worked out the way those geniuses that modernized the computer envisioned it! I'm just saying, in today's society we have the technology to find out information in the blink of an eye, we have robots that lift tremendous amounts of weight that before would have taken a number of men an extensive amount of time to accomplish the same goal. We have more time to devote to thinking, creating, and solving world problems, yet if you look around, you will find a population of people that are actually being less productive and more self-absorbed. The mindset of having more time to be more productive is definitely one that we should embrace, I'm just not so sure that we are taking advantage of our best and most productive asset, YOU!
      In Matthew West's song "Do Something" the singer starts out the song sharing his disgust and dismay with all the hurt and trouble that he sees all around him in the news and in his own life. He gets so upset that he shakes his fist at Heaven and shouts out "God, why don't You do something?". In response to this question God simply replies, " I did, I created YOU!" We are the answer to the issues of this world. We are to be God's hands and feet where we live, and I just don't believe we can as effectively accomplish this responsibility by going about our lives in the manner where we currently reside. "A day's hard work never killed anyone" is what I've always heard, and I am more inclined to agree with that statement each day that I live and breathe!
      The title of today's FTM is "Whatever Your Hand Finds to Do" which comes from a verse in the book of Ecclesiastes. Solomon the author of this book was known as the wisest man on earth in his time and there are so many of his proverbs and sayings that we use today without even knowing their origin. In Ecclesiastes 9:10 Solomon moves us to action with this statement "Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might, for in the realm of the dead, where you are going, there is neither working nor planning, nor knowledge, nor wisdom. In other words, if you see something that needs to be done, what are you waiting for, because when you die it will definitely be too late to do anything about it then! Problem solving skills, yes, we need them for sure, but once we have a solution in mind, we need people to go out and execute the plan! We need YOU to go out and do something! Too many people looking around saying, "Why doesn't somebody do something to help?" Guess what you've got the question right, you just need to be asking it to yourself!
     Paul was a man of God and a man of action. His life after his conversion on the Damascus road created in him a call to relentlessly serve God and to spread the message of salvation and eternal life until the day he died. And that is exactly what he did. Two of my favorite verses that Paul penned are found back to back in the book of Colossians chapter 3. In verse 17 Paul encourages us the reader that "Whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the father through Him". So, here Paul tells us that whatever we are doing give thanks to God for the opportunity. That's coming from a guy that was imprisoned and beaten for the work he was doing. From a guy that was hunted down and almost stoned to death for his belief, and a man that gave thanks for the opportunity to serve God in all of those situations. Wherever his hands were found he went to work! The second verse is found in verse 23 where Paul speaking to slaves of the day that "Whatever you are working at, do it with all your might, and do it as you were doing it for the Lord and not for man." What this says to me is that it doesn't matter what your circumstances are and it doesn't matter how menial a task it might appear to be, go at it with all you have and give it your best!
     I believe we can definitely take some of Paul's advice and apply it to our own level of engagement. What are we doing with our time? What kind of effort do we put into getting the job done? Are we looking for more ways to get involved or are we numb to the opportunities that are staring us in the face? Do we spend the "time" that was created by computers and technology doing meaningful and intentional projects that will help our fellow man, or do we sit idly allowing the very technology that was created so we would have more time, to take up all of our spare time? We don't need to ask "Why doesn't somebody do something?" We need to be asking "What can I do? and then get started doing it!
Coach Carter

Sunday, April 22, 2018

Don't Make Excuses, Make It Happen!

      My friend and mentor during my first year in my new position working in Career & Technical Education, KC Alvarado, recently added a quote from a legendary American entrepreneur and motivational speaker/author named Jim Rohn to her email template. (You know it's pretty common today for people to place a motivational quote, scripture, or saying at the bottom of their emails, just a hint, it might not be a bad idea to read a few of those every now and then, they generally have motivated the sender and often times may very well serve as a motivation to the reader!)I'm just saying... I enjoyed this quote so much that I have found myself relating it to my daily schedule and also to how I have responded to some not so cozy situations in my everyday walk. Mr. Rhon's quote goes like this, “If you really want to do something, you'll find a way. If you don't, you'll find an excuse.” In today's FTM Thought we are going to take a look at how this simple yet powerful quote can propel each of us forward or how it just as easily can serve as an anchor to keep us exactly where we currently reside in life. Unfortunately the outcomes of how we live in accordance to this quote can actually take us backwards if we allow our minds to talk us out of taking some chances or accepting some challenges. Let's dig in a little deeper shall we?
      How true Jim Rhon's statement is. Think about it if you really want to do something you're going to make it happen. Of course I'm speaking from my own experience and positive mindset, but I guess some of you out there are stirring this around in your head thinking "you know I rarely ever have the opportunity to do something outside my daily, regularly scheduled day." Or you may be thinking, "well he doesn't know what I have going on, there are so many obstacles in my path that I just don't have the chances to do that thing that I have always dreamed of doing." Guess what? If you had those thoughts cross your mind you are exactly the person Jim Rhon was addressing with this motivational mantra.
     I'm guessing if you would take a few minutes to really think about all the things you have always wanted to do, but haven't you could make a list of reasons why you haven't successfully accomplished those goals. It may be that the things on your list aren't goals, but instead they are things that you need to do, but your escape mechanism is creating a boat load of reasons why you can't make them happen. Think about it, that's exactly what the quote in today's blog is all about, we don't actually want to do some things because they take us out of our comfort zone, or we don't really want to exert the energy needed to accomplish the goal that is set in front of us. When there is something out there that needs our attention, but we do not seize the opportunity, we convince ourselves that we don't want to do it. That is an excuse in itself. If you don't want to do something you will find a way out of doing it. Is that healthy? Is that what you were created for? I'm sorry, but I don't think so.
     I have to believe that there are so many things that are out there for me to still accomplish and I want to make sure that "I" am not the very stumbling block that will prevent me from doing those things I want to accomplish. On the cover of a writing journal I picked up the other day was a quote that read "I haven't been all around the world, but I have it on my list". Don't let yourself keep you from doing what you are intended to do in this world. It doesn't necessarily have to be traveling around the world, it can be as simple as going to visit a friend that you haven't seen in years. It's easy to talk yourself out of going on that visit if you don't really, really want to go. You'll convince yourself that you just don't have time to do that, you have deadlines, appointments, etc... and you just don't have time. Excuse, excuse, excuse. It is much easier to make an excuse and then not do what needs to be done, but that doesn't make it right or acceptable. You have to be able to stop, process your priorities, and then make a decision about what needs your attention or what needs to be done.
       Two scriptures come to mind when I think about today's message. The first goes out to all those that make their "escapegoat" self-deprivation. I can't do that because, I'm not strong enough, I'm not smart enough, I don't know how to do that, I don't have time, I've never been able to do that. Again, excuse, excuse, excuse, and excuse! Remember "If you want to do something you'll find a way!" My Bible tells me that "I can do ALL things through Christ which gives me strength" Philippians 4:13 (My emphasis on ALL), but I believe if Paul had an all caps button he would have used it there as well. You may not get it done like the textbook explanation describes it, but if you want to see something become a reality, you can do it! That just doesn't apply to work or maybe sports, this scripture says ALL things. Your family, your marriage, your children, your goals, your challenges, or overcoming the tragic events that happen in your life are all subject to this verse in life's motivational guidebook. If it is important enough to you then you will find a way to make it happen. Stop, if you are saying well that isn't important to me so that is why I'm not going to do _____________, then make sure you aren't lying to yourself and that the "I don't want to attitude" isn't your fall back excuse in all of life's not so comfortable situations. That happens way too easy for way too many people!
     The other scripture that comes to mind is one I refer to frequently when I start to tap out with an excuse of I can't do that. Psalm 121:1-2 reminds me that "... my strength comes from the Lord, maker of Heaven and Earth". If my strength comes from God then how could I ever make the excuse that "I can't" do whatever it is I'm about to bow out of due to lack of skill, time, or resources? If you have a personal relationship with the Creator of Heaven and Earth, then what exactly can He not do in your life? What right do you have to limit His power or His authority over all things that exist? Trust and believe, dig in deeper, pray harder, trust longer, and hold tight to your faith and hope. You can do all things "through" Christ, that is the key. On our own, yes we are limited to what we can do, that is why we usually make excuses, because we are thinking about the likelihood of us being able to do things on our own. If that is where you are residing, you are right, you may have more than an excuse to fall back on in your decision-making process. Yet, if you know your Maker and you believe in Him, then you do not have an excuse to make, you just have to hold tight and never stop believing. 
     My prayer for each of you today is that you have a relationship with your Maker, and if you don't that you will seek Him, He is always there and you will find Him if you only look! Once you have that relationship established, a true relationship that is based on spending time together with your Lord and Savior, your list of excuses will start to fade and your list of accomplishments will start to grow. May this week be a week of saying "Yes I can" and "yes I will"! GO, GO, GET"EM GO!
Coach Carter

Sunday, April 15, 2018

Neither In Nor Out is Just Stuck in the Middle

     I was taking advantage of a light schedule and the beautiful spring weather yesterday by changing the oil in my truck, doing some planting and pruning, and eventually mowing the grass. You know when you're busy time sure seems to get away from you! Well that's exactly what happened as my afternoon was quickly creeping away and the backyard was still lying out there needing to be mowed before Sunday's weather forecast delivered it's rain showers. As I was finishing up the front yard, my eagerness to take as few swoops as possible on the back and forth pattern landed me in a little bit of a predicament. It appeared to me that the last swath of grass could be taken down with one final pass, but as I started down the line it quickly became obvious that the stretch of grass was wider than my mower's blade width. Problem was I had it in my head that I could somehow make this work. Much to my chagrin, what ended up happening was two small lines of grass remained, one on each side of the mower as my failed attempt to run down the middle unfolded. What I had envisioned as one last passing, created two additional turns. As my mind works, this little visual provided me with the impetus for today's Flat Tire Ministries Thought. Being in the middle is not the place you want to be found in most situations and definitely in our faith.
     Standing on a fence post you find yourself neither on the right side or the left side of the fence, you my friend are right in the middle. Believing in God and following God are two different sides of the fence. The Bible is quick to point this out "You believe that there is one God. Good! Even the demons believe that—and shudder." James 2:19. So if believing there is a God is one side of the faith fence, what does the other side look like? To me it's all about trust and hope. If we trust that God has a plan for our lives then our faith will play out completely different. In our struggles, when we face adversity or afflictions this is where our faith begins to display itself. When you have a firm foundation cast in faith, you will trust that everything that happens, happens for a reason bigger than ourselves or our ways of thinking. When our trust is fortified and tested the end result is an undying hope that whatever the purpose of the events in our life is, it is meant to be of a benefit for myself or for the benefit of someone else I may or may not even know. That is hope in action. Jesus spoke of this type of hope in the parable of the house built on the firm foundation. "Though the rain comes in torrents and the floodwaters rise and the winds beat against that house, it won’t collapse because it is built on bedrock" Matthew 24-27. This is why so many people collapse when calamity visits, there is no hope to be found in just believing that there is a God, you must have faith and that faith can only come through trusting that God is in control, and then moving forward with the hope that the outcome of whatever you are facing is going to be exactly what is supposed to happen. 
     Standing on the fence post or mowing the grass down the middle isn't the answer and won't get the job done, we must make a commitment to trust in God or to trust in man or self. It may be my opinion, but I just don't think that's the way to peace or progress in your life. As a matter of fact the Bible actually speaks about those that are stuck in the middle of their walk of faith in Revelation 3:15-16 "I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other!  So, because you are lukewarm—neither hot nor cold—I am about to spit you out of my mouth." That doesn't have to be the case for you or I. We don't have to face life alone, we don't have to walk in the middle of the road, that's where you will get ran over! No, if you have faith it will also have works. Faith alone without works is dead, that is what is found preceding the scripture in the same chapter of James that was referenced earlier in this post about faith. James 2:14-18.
Trust, builds hope, and hope builds faith, and faith will carry you through whatever life throws your way! Believe and proceed! 
Coach Carter

Saturday, April 7, 2018

Serving Up Compassion

     My heart was broken this week. On Thursday, April 5, 2018 some form of immigration raid ended up taking place in our home town of Morristown, Tennessee. This is not a political blog nor do I intend for it to become a politically charged post based on emotions and stances. What I do plan to share with you today are the acts of human compassion that have taken place since the events of April 5th. Human beings, families, students, parents, siblings, aunts, uncles, and grandparents were all potential targets of this tragic incident. To think that a child could go to school happy and content just like any other normal school day and by the time the dismissal bell rang at 3:00, her world had been turned upside down completely, this blows my mind and does not register in my head. Her mother had just been detained and now stands to be deported out of the United States, leaving her daughter all alone here in a country that she now believes does not want her either. This was the story over and over on that day, which is a travesty and a challenge for our elected officials going forward. Today's Flat Tire Ministries Thought is not about what our government needs to do or not do, no today's FTM is about what transpired after the detainment occurred and is still going on as I sit to write this posting.
     What happened gives me hope, what took place warms my soul, it encourages me to always remember that you and I can make a difference. You may only be one person, but what I have seen is so many individuals joining together to form what can only be labeled as an extended community effort joining forces in support of human beings in a complete act of selfless compassion. Place yourself in their shoes. Life turned upside down and no way to figure out what is going to happen next. I can't give you a visual picture that would do justice to the look of dismay that I witnessed, but I can share with you the compassion that was on display as educators, community members, businesses, restaurants, legal support systems, and yes even children came to the need of our brothers and sisters in Christ.
     To say it was amazing wouldn't do it justice, but the outpouring of contributions, donations, and volunteerism has been a point of pride during this moment in our community. It isn't a political thing, it is a human being thing, it is a Christian "thing" if you want to get right down to it. If you don't believe me go to the textbook of those of the faith and read the parable that Jesus shared in Matthew 25:31-46. In this parable, Jesus compares all people from all nations to sheep and goats. He goes on to explain that God will one day place the sheep in his right hand, and the goats will be placed on His left hand. For the ones on the right, His sheep, he will be able to identify them because they fed Him when He was hungry, gave Him something to drink when He was thirsty, and provided Him somewhere to stay when He was without a bed to sleep. The "sheep" will say to Him "When did I ever do this for you Oh Lord?" And here is where it gets interesting, Jesus will reply "When you did this for the least of mine, you did it for me." That is what I saw on display and am still seeing it this weekend as members of our community and other neighboring communities continue to pour out food, clothes, and other support items along with a generous amount of compassion for our fellow man.
     I'm not expecting some type of outpouring of donations due to this blog being posted. No instead I am hoping that you can feel a twinge of empathy for your fellow man and understand that doing something is what we are supposed to do. Giving your time, donating supplies, supporting those in need are all means by which you and I can share empathy for our fellow man, woman, and child. It is my prayer that you will be moved to share of your time and your resources. Oh, but what about the goats in the parable? At the end of the story Jesus shared that the goats, were the ones that didn't feed Him, clothe Him, or support Him in His time of need. This group was also oblivious and asked when did we not give to you? To which Jesus basically said, " When you didn't do that for the least of mine, you actually didn't do it for me."
Compassion is real when you pair it with empathy, not sympathy. Put yourself in the shoes of someone else. Thank you to each and every person that has contributed to the families of this event. As I stated before, we aren't talking about whether this is the right thing or not, that needs to be settled through our judicial, legislative, and executive branches of government, but the matter of what should we do to support our fellow man that answer is pretty simple and clear. If you are doing something to help the least of our ranks, you are hitting the target, do something today to help those that are in need.