Sunday, February 18, 2018

Tribute to a Strong Foundation

 “Anyone who listens to my teaching and follows it is wise, like a person who builds a house on solid rock. Though the rain comes in torrents and the floodwaters rise and the winds beat against that house, it won’t collapse because it is built on bedrock. But anyone who hears my teaching and doesn’t obey it is foolish, like a person who builds a house on sand. When the rains and floods come and the winds beat against that house, it will collapse with a mighty crash.”  
Matthew 7:24-27
     My Uncle Charlie, Reverend Charles William Whetsel, passed away on February 11, 2018. When I sat back and thought about his life, one personal quality kept surfacing again and again. The God given strength of this gentle man caused me to realize that Uncle Charlie may be one of the strongest men I have ever met or had the fortune of being influenced by in my own life. 
      Those who knew Uncle Charlie would most certainly have talked about his calm demeanor and his quiet presence. What I now realize is that calm, quiet presence was a strength that surpasses all of the noise and clamor of this world's image of strength. In today's world strength and might are many times characterized by displaying how big you are, how much you have, or how tough you can prove yourself to be. The strength that my Uncle Charlie displayed was founded in his faith. With over 40 years of faithful service to our Lord and Savior, Charles Whetsel built his life's foundation on the model that Jesus provided us. For me the image is clear. Strength is not found in the loud, boasting image of what we see on the outside, but instead true strength is found on the inside, in the core, the foundation of our body and soul. 
     Much like the parable that Jesus shared with His disciples from Matthew 7:24-27, many people work hard at building their persona, yet their foundation is weak because they choose sand over rock. Regardless of how strong your house may look on the surface where others see it on a daily basis, if the foundation of your home is not sturdily founded on rock it will surely fall when the storms of life come. Think about many of today's boisterous performers, stars, politicians, and star athletes. Their success is built on telling us how big they are, how much they are worth, and how important they are to the world. They may appear to have it all, you may actually look at them and think "Wow, I wish I had it made like they they do", but in reality if at the base of their life their foundation is dependent on the things that the eye can visibly see, then they have more than likely built their whole life on sand.
     The problem with building on sand is that in life there will be storms and storms bring destructive winds, torrential rains, hurricanes, monsoons, and tornadoes literal and figurative storms of life. That poses a devastating problem for homes that have their foundation on sand. Our scripture today describes it best, when the storms come "it will collapse with a mighty crash". On the other hand, the house that is constructed on the rock will withstand the storms of life because it is built on the Rock. That Rock is where my Uncle Charlie built his life. 
     I never saw Uncle Charlie get upset, show anger, fear, or even frustration. His patient, kind, servant spirit served as a model to the congregations where he ministered. Charles Whetsel modeled the attributes that Paul shared in I Corinthians 13. Love is kind, love is patient, love doesn't proudly boast. Love is not self-seeking and it is not easily angered. Love places it's trust in hope. That is where Uncle Charlie's foundation was built. In the hope that is founded in faith. That foundation provided a model for his children and to all of us that were blessed to have him in our lives. 
      Strength is not based on a visual representation of what you are or what you have. It is not represented by how loud you can be or how flamboyant you can display yourself. Strength is not evidenced by "winning" at all costs. True strength is found in your core, the foundation that allows you to withstand the storms of life. Where is your foundation built? Will your life be able to endure the adversities and afflictions of life? Will those you love be able to stand strong even after you are gone because you built a foundation for them to build their own life upon that Rock? If not you are fortunate because you have the opportunity to reinforce your life's foundation. We have a contractor that is readily available and eager to pour concrete into your life's foundation. Seek Him and seek to build a foundation that will withstand the storms of life.
     I along with my entire family were blessed to have the Reverend Charles William Whetsel during some part of his 84 year life. His life has laid a foundation for each of us to live our own lives and share with the lives of our children. Thank you Uncle Charlie for living out the life you did and for giving us the example of faithful, quiet strength you demonstrated. Your life made a difference and will continue to make a difference in the lives of us all! 

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