Saturday, January 20, 2018

Want More? Do More!

      Wow, a simple encounter with a former student this week offered up our Flat Tire Ministry topic for this week. Junior Stubblefield, who now serves our state as a Tennessee State Highway Patrol Officer, stopped by my office to drop off some fundraising items I had ordered from one of his children, also a former student of mine during my time as principal at Union Heights Elementary School. During our short time together our conversation turned to work ethic. Junior recanted a line that his father often shared with him that has become a very common challenge to his own children. Junior told me that his dad always said "Son if you want more in life than you have, then you have to do more than you are doing". Sounds like simple advice, yet how many of us are wanting more of something in life and actually doing something about it? So thank you Junior Stubblefield, or maybe more so Junior's father for sharing this sound advice with his son so that he could share it with his children and also with me so that I can share it with you.
     Let me first say, when I asked the question about how many people want more of something in life I wasn't just referring to money. Wanting more out of life is more than just financial status. When I apply Mr. Stubblefield's reminder to life I think more in terms of a better quality of life. I would almost paraphrase his quote by saying if you want to see positive change in your world then you have to be prepared to go out and do something positive to kick start that positive change. And that can be applied to any area of your life that you want to see improvement. In your family, around your community, in your workplace, in our schools, or in your own personal life. It all comes down to this "If you want more in life then you have, then you have to do more in your life than you're doing". I love it.
     Too many people say they want a better life, a better job, a better marriage, or better conditions to live in, but what are you willing to do to reach that better quality of life. First, let me say if the only reason you want something better is to "keep up with the Joneses" then you'll never be satisfied so you can put that one on the shelf. But, if you want a better quality of life because you aren't happy with where you are right now and you want to do better for yourself, then you my friend have got to be willing to do more than you are right now. It may require you to go back to night school to advance your education. It possibly might mean that you will have to take a part time job after your full time job is done for the day to accomplish what you want to accomplish. In regards to your health or well being you will probably have to get up earlier, sacrifice a little more, and commit a great deal more. And most importantly if you desire to have a deeper understanding of your purpose in life and you want to fulfill that purpose in life, you are destined to develop a deeper relationship with your Maker. You will have to read more, study more, spend more time in devotion, worship, and prayer. You will have to listen more, talk less, get up earlier, and focus your attention on things that matter over things that have no relevance to your life improving, i.e. television, social media, or sitting on the couch. God wants more for your life, the question is do you? And if the answer to that one is yes then what are you willing to do to fulfill your purpose in life?
      Like Junior's dad told him, and like Junior is telling his kids, "If you want more in life than you have, then you have to do more than you are doing". If doing that were easy then everyone would be right where they want to be. The truth of the matter is too many people want more out of life, but they are unwilling to go out and do what it takes to have more or do more. Get up, get a plan, and go out and execute your plan. It may take only a few minutes to improve your life, or it may take years, but the sooner you get started the sooner you will see results. If you get knocked down, get back up, that's part of the equation. Nobody said it would be easy and nobody said you would automatically succeed. It is certain that if you give up when it gets a little uncomfortable or you fail on the first attempt or the 100th attempt for that matter you will never receive more out of your life. Life is a journey and you have to be willing and ready to face the ups and the downs along the way until you reach your destination. I want more out of life. I want to give more, share more, work more, and live more so I do what it takes, whatever it takes, to make that happen! If you want more then you will have to do more! Sound wisdom, take it and use it!
"Lazy people want much but get little, but those who work hard will prosper" Proverbs 13:4 NLT Have a great week and DO MORE!
Coach Carter


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