Sunday, June 18, 2017

Falling Apart or Falling Into Place??

     The other day I was listening to the words of a song by Casting Crowns entitled "Just Be Held" in which the lyrics create a play on words that really grabbed my attention and drives home a valid point for today's FTM. The song  encourages us with the following revelation, "Your world's not falling apart it's falling into place, so stop holding on and just be held!" Wow, what an awesome perspective to have and to find comfort in during life's storms. When the day is going to "chaos" level or your  personal life seems to be spinning out of control, you can stop, take a deep breath, reflect on the situation and realize that we can actually take something very important away from what is happening right now. Hard times, stressed relationships, stretched schedules, sicknesses in your family, and yes even tragedy may seem like a downward spiral that has no hope of ending with a positive outcome, but I want to encourage you to look up when you feel down. Understand that what we may view as a storm, may actually be the nourishment for that seed you have planted and you have just got to nurture and prune a little more to allow the fruit to be produced. What an awesome lesson to teach those we live with, work with, children, and most importantly to learn ourselves. When we feel like things are falling apart how powerful it is to step back from the situation and put things into the perspective that somehow, someway, this is all going to be part of the plan! So don't just hold on, just be held! For I am the LORD your God who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you. Isaiah 41:13
     This may sound simplistic, but my friend it is that simple. When you feel like the world is crashing in all around you, remember God is in charge, He is there in the storm with you, and He will give you the strength to see things through, you just have to hold on, and have faith that He can and He will.

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